Effect of Tea Consumption Health : Tea and heart
Effect of tea's health benefits have been demonstrated in the experimental studies using animal and some human studies. Two of the most intensively investigated is the heart disease and cancer.
Although the mechanism Protective activity of tea against the disease has been proposed, there are inconsistencies in the relationship between tea consumption and risk of disease in humans.epidemiologik have been many studies investigate the effects of tea consumption kardiovaskuler disease. On a long-term study in the Netherlands, tea consumption associated with a lower risk of death due to coronary heart disease and stroke incidence is low.
In the study in Rotterdam, a best tea consumption with illness aterosklerosis aortik has been in the observation. Health study in Boston found that subjects who drank a cup (200-250 ml) or more of black tea per day had approximately half the risk of a heart attack compared with people who do not drink tea.
One mechanism proposed for Protective effects of tea that may be against the disease kardiovaskuler is that tea polifenol prevent oksidari LDL, known to be involved in the development of aterosklerosis.
Studies have indicated that consumption of black tea has an LDL against oxidation ex vivo. Polifenol the accumulation of LDL particles in the 3 days after consumption of green tea or black, but their level is not enough to strengthen the resistance of LDL oxidation.
Summary of hipokolesterolemik tea can also contribute to protection against heart disease. In the animals that were given feed and high-fat cholesterol, green tea, black tea, and tea have been polifenol prevent lipida increased serum and liver, have lower total serum cholesterol or aterogenik index, and have increased ekskresi fekal from lipida and total cholesterol.
When the animal is given a high fat feed, the animal is given a green tea or green tea plifenol have serum total cholesterol and low-level triasilgliserol but ekskresi fat fekal is higher than the control group.
However, the study and test epidemiologik in humans have failed to show an effect of lowering serum cholesterol consumption of green tea or black. Epidemiologik of 13 studies, only four reported the inverse relationship. One other potential mechanism may be through the effect on body weight and fat.
Latest observation that administration of black tea has intragastrik prevent platelet aggregation and prevent thrombosis koronari was experimental and that the dog polifenol green tea consumption has been decreasing platelet aggregation terinduksi of ADP that provides a mechanism for the possible prevention of disease kardiovaskuler. However, green tea extract equivalent to 10 cups (2 liters) tea for 4 weeks has no significant effect on several indicators related to disease kardiovaskuler.
Black and green tea has caused a large increase in acute (30 minutes after ingesti) on blood pressure than caffeine alone. However, regular tea consumption does not change blood pressure.
Although the mechanism Protective activity of tea against the disease has been proposed, there are inconsistencies in the relationship between tea consumption and risk of disease in humans.epidemiologik have been many studies investigate the effects of tea consumption kardiovaskuler disease. On a long-term study in the Netherlands, tea consumption associated with a lower risk of death due to coronary heart disease and stroke incidence is low.
In the study in Rotterdam, a best tea consumption with illness aterosklerosis aortik has been in the observation. Health study in Boston found that subjects who drank a cup (200-250 ml) or more of black tea per day had approximately half the risk of a heart attack compared with people who do not drink tea.
One mechanism proposed for Protective effects of tea that may be against the disease kardiovaskuler is that tea polifenol prevent oksidari LDL, known to be involved in the development of aterosklerosis.
Studies have indicated that consumption of black tea has an LDL against oxidation ex vivo. Polifenol the accumulation of LDL particles in the 3 days after consumption of green tea or black, but their level is not enough to strengthen the resistance of LDL oxidation.
Summary of hipokolesterolemik tea can also contribute to protection against heart disease. In the animals that were given feed and high-fat cholesterol, green tea, black tea, and tea have been polifenol prevent lipida increased serum and liver, have lower total serum cholesterol or aterogenik index, and have increased ekskresi fekal from lipida and total cholesterol.
When the animal is given a high fat feed, the animal is given a green tea or green tea plifenol have serum total cholesterol and low-level triasilgliserol but ekskresi fat fekal is higher than the control group.
However, the study and test epidemiologik in humans have failed to show an effect of lowering serum cholesterol consumption of green tea or black. Epidemiologik of 13 studies, only four reported the inverse relationship. One other potential mechanism may be through the effect on body weight and fat.
Latest observation that administration of black tea has intragastrik prevent platelet aggregation and prevent thrombosis koronari was experimental and that the dog polifenol green tea consumption has been decreasing platelet aggregation terinduksi of ADP that provides a mechanism for the possible prevention of disease kardiovaskuler. However, green tea extract equivalent to 10 cups (2 liters) tea for 4 weeks has no significant effect on several indicators related to disease kardiovaskuler.
Black and green tea has caused a large increase in acute (30 minutes after ingesti) on blood pressure than caffeine alone. However, regular tea consumption does not change blood pressure.
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