Showing posts with label Hearts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hearts. Show all posts

Friday, May 15, 2009

health care for the heart to do siesta

Not many are aware, bed rest during the day as soon help reduce the risk of death, especially in the able-bodied young men. Research conducted by scientists during the Greek period is the six-year siesta for about 30 minutes at least three times a week have a 37 percent risk of experiencing interference lower heart disease.
Experts reveal siesta rileks to help people and reduce their stress levels, heart disturbances and even smaller countries are found in routine siesta, although some studies show different results.

Research carried out in Greece this is done on prua and 23,681 women in the age range 20 to 86 years. The participants have a record of good health, without a history of suffering from heart disease and other acute diseases.
In six years of study, the participants requested information on their lunch hour to sleep, eating patterns and physical activity routine that they do.

Result, the researchers claim they have a siesta lower risk of suffering heart of interference as much as 34 percent compared to those who do not siesta.
While they sleep the day more than 30 minutes three or more in each week has a record 37 percent lower interference affected the heart.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

caraway white

Caraway white with a latin name cuminum cyminum often used as a cooking ingredient in everyday life. This plant can grow well in a cool area that, in areas such as north india foot mountain near the Himalaya. Although able to grow in Indonesia, but is generally less well.

Caraway leaves no white sheet-shaped, but more like a thread-the thread is composed of short rigid circular and cumulative. This plant flowers with small yellow and older in a prop by a handle rather long. Caraway seeds have white fragrant aroma and interesting.
Caraway seeds and white oil vapor containing elements of less than 8%. Oil vapor is derived from caraway seed with a white disuling.
The disease can be treated:

In addition to use as a culinary spice, caraway and white also trusted companion herb as a traditional medicine to treat heart disease, menstruation is not smooth and difficult to sleep.


Heart pain :
crushed fine caraway seeds 1 spoon white, 1 red onion, cloves, 7
cubeb seed pairs, and 6 pieces of betel leaf. Add 4 tbs cooking water and filtered,then crumple up. Drinking this concoction in the morning and evening regularly.

Menstruation does not smoothly:

Prepare caraway seeds 1 spoon white, 2 cloves, dry seeds, seed pieces, ½ nutmeg, 1 rimpang turmeric, cardamom 1 fruit, 1-piece palm sugar, 1 tablespoon sugar and 2 pieces of leaf srigading. Boil all ingredients with 2 ½ cup water until boiling, then filtered. Drinking this concoction came five days before menstruation.

Prepare caraway seeds 1 spoon white, 3-piece kangkung vegetables, 2 pieces of leaf and pegagan ¼ tablespoon coriander. Boil all ingredients with 2 glasses of water until boiling and remaining 1 glass. Filter drinking water stew before going to bed.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Effect of Tea Consumption Health : Tea and heart

Effect of tea's health benefits have been demonstrated in the experimental studies using animal and some human studies. Two of the most intensively investigated is the heart disease and cancer.

Although the mechanism Protective activity of tea against the disease has been proposed, there are inconsistencies in the relationship between tea consumption and risk of disease in humans.epidemiologik have been many studies investigate the effects of tea consumption kardiovaskuler disease. On a long-term study in the Netherlands, tea consumption associated with a lower risk of death due to coronary heart disease and stroke incidence is low.

In the study in Rotterdam, a best tea consumption with illness aterosklerosis aortik has been in the observation. Health study in Boston found that subjects who drank a cup (200-250 ml) or more of black tea per day had approximately half the risk of a heart attack compared with people who do not drink tea.

One mechanism proposed for Protective effects of tea that may be against the disease kardiovaskuler is that tea polifenol prevent oksidari LDL, known to be involved in the development of aterosklerosis.

Studies have indicated that consumption of black tea has an LDL against oxidation ex vivo. Polifenol the accumulation of LDL particles in the 3 days after consumption of green tea or black, but their level is not enough to strengthen the resistance of LDL oxidation.

Summary of hipokolesterolemik tea can also contribute to protection against heart disease. In the animals that were given feed and high-fat cholesterol, green tea, black tea, and tea have been polifenol prevent lipida increased serum and liver, have lower total serum cholesterol or aterogenik index, and have increased ekskresi fekal from lipida and total cholesterol.

When the animal is given a high fat feed, the animal is given a green tea or green tea plifenol have serum total cholesterol and low-level triasilgliserol but ekskresi fat fekal is higher than the control group.

However, the study and test epidemiologik in humans have failed to show an effect of lowering serum cholesterol consumption of green tea or black. Epidemiologik of 13 studies, only four reported the inverse relationship. One other potential mechanism may be through the effect on body weight and fat.

Latest observation that administration of black tea has intragastrik prevent platelet aggregation and prevent thrombosis koronari was experimental and that the dog polifenol green tea consumption has been decreasing platelet aggregation terinduksi of ADP that provides a mechanism for the possible prevention of disease kardiovaskuler. However, green tea extract equivalent to 10 cups (2 liters) tea for 4 weeks has no significant effect on several indicators related to disease kardiovaskuler.

Black and green tea has caused a large increase in acute (30 minutes after ingesti) on blood pressure than caffeine alone. However, regular tea consumption does not change blood pressure.

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Improve Life For Heart Health

Human behavior was very influential in preventing the occurrence of disease. Included in heart disease, which in Indonesia is now ranked the first position disease as a cause of death.

In 1998, just based on Household Health Survey (SKRT) disease that the disease is classified in the circulation system to reach this number is 24.4 percent, up from 1985, amounting to 5.9 percent. Figures should be reason enough for us to quickly change the behavior, especially patterns of life and ability to eat well.
"Heart disease triggered by two factors, ie factors that can not be avoided and the factors that can be avoided. Factors that can not be avoided, for example because of age and older the offspring, while the factors that can be avoided is associated with a lifestyle, for example, less exercise. In Indonesia, people who exercise continuously only 9 percent of the overall total, the data from the WHO indicate that 43 percent of disease in the world because one of them, the lack of movement, "said H. Masino, MSD, Executive Secretary Indonesian Heart Foundation.
Often neglected

In fact already become common knowledge and is not subject to that sport can maintain heart health. However, the limited time and facilities to be cliche reasons why people are reluctant to perform the activity.
"Limited facilities are a challenge for us to still encourage sports. For example, the school does not have any sports field, walking on the street is also not safe to be jogging, so we would not want to find the way that people can still exercise, for example, with the jump rope that does not require the time or space that is too broad, "Masino said.

In general, someone who is less active, have a risk two to three times more likely to suffer heart attack than people who do sport and active on a regular basis. Exercise regularly to strengthen the heart muscle and improve the circulatory system in addition to reducing obesity.
Highly recommended way to do quick 30 minutes each day and most do not do any sports in the form of three times a week with intensity up to a half hour. This is to help health than just to spend time only in front of the television. It can also, when trying to return to office, do not Care for themselves with increased lift. Choose the way that more fishing sweat secretion, such as using stair.

Stress the sustained heart rate and makes blood pressure increase. This certainly makes the heart work more weight and will ultimately increase the risk of heart disease. Behavior of the self in a hurry, quick-tempered and too pro ambition by some people can trigger the occurrence of disease.
In certain limits to be symptoms of stress are normal, even if it can be managed well this can be a positive thing in the development of the human self. Although each person really has a different stress in the face, but basically never leave the stress sustained in a self that can disrupt the physical conditions, wherever possible avoid or face the wise.

Do not store or bury anger feeling disappointed. discussing feelings with the press of other people's trust, or family doctor. Worry or remember the mistakes of the past will only make a self-stress increases, therefore take some time for recreation with family or friends close to you.

Similarly with smoking, although we realize is a bad habit, but most smokers just do not want to eliminate this habit. But for a heavy smoker, the risk of sudden death five times greater than those who do not smoke at all. A small amount of nicotine in cigarettes is a poison for the body. That nicotine be merged in each whiff smoking is not death, but still dangerous because the heart can lead to stiffening and carotid and disrupt the heart rhythm.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke with the pattern of food and Healthy Living

Prevention efforts to avoid heart disease and stroke begins with improving lifestyle and controlling risk factors will reduce the chance of disease is affected.
For the prevention of heart disease & stroke avoid Obesity / overweight and high cholesterol. Start by consuming more vegetables, fruits, grains, and other fibrous food fish. Less meat, snacks, and the food with high calories and contains many other saturated fat.

cholesterol buried in the blood vessel walls and cause aterosklerosis which the trigger heart disease and smoking stroke.stoped is a target that must be achieved, as well as avoiding cigarette smoke from the environment. Smoking causes reduced blood vessel elasticity, thereby increasing blood vessel arterial stiffening, and increase the blood coagulation factors that trigger heart disease and stroke. Smokers have the opportunity infected coronary heart and stroke about two times higher compared with non-smokers.Reduce alcohol. The more alcohol consumption, then the type of stroke, especially the higher hemoragik. Alcohol can increase blood pressure, weaken the heart, blood coagulate and cause arterial strain. Make Sports / physical activity. Sports can help reduce body weight, controlling cholesterol content, and lower blood pressure which is the other risk factors affected the heart and stroke
controle of high blood pressure and blood sugar. Hypertension is the main factor affected by stroke and coronary heart disease. Diabetes also increases the risk of stroke 1,5-4 times, especially when blood sugar is not restrained.
Avoid the use of prohibited drugs such as heroin, cocaine, amfetamin, because dope can increase the risk of stroke 7-fold compared with the non-drug users.

Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke with the medicine plants
Some types of plants, drugs that can be used to prevent heart disease and stroke have any effect smooth blood circulation and as antikoagulan that prevent blood clotting, due to heart disease and stroke
is the main cause of disturbance in the blood vessel.
Some types of plants and natural medicine that can be used to prevent and overcome the Heart Diseases and Stroke, among others:
1. Daun Dewa (Gynura segetum)
Farmakologis effect: as the anticoagulant, dilute blood clot, blood circulation and expedite clean up toxic.
The leaves are used and tubers. The recommended dose is 15-30 grams of fresh leaves and 6-10 grams tubers
2. Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia)
Property; reduce high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and high blood sugar. Property can be prevent the risk of exposure of stroke and heart disease. Dosage: 2-3 pieces of cooked.
3. Garlic (Allium sativum)
Effect: smooth blood circulation, antikoagulan (to prevent coagulation of blood), lower blood cholesterol,lower blood sugar, lower high blood pressure and increase immune system.
4. Onion (Allium CEPA)
Nutritious prevent blood clotting, reduce blood fat content, lower blood sugar and
lower blood pressure.
5. Ear black mushroom (Auricularia auricula)
Property / effect: Preventing stroke and brain hemorrhage, good for the heart and blood vessel.
6. Seaweed (Laminaria japonica)
Property: prevent blood vessel constriction, lower cholesterol and high blood pressure.
7. Purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
Property: prevent aterosklerosis (constringency and stoppage of blood vessel), to prevent the increased cholesterol blood, reduce nervous tension.
8. Banana heart
Savor: Preventing stroke and brain hemorrhage, good for the heart and blood vessel.
9. Rose flower (Rosa chinensis)
Property / effect: smooth blood circulation, neutralize poison. The dose: 3-10 g dried flower
10. Siantan (Ixora stricta Roxb.)
Savor: minify clot, lowering blood pressure. The dose: 10-15 g flowe

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jasmine Benefits

In addition to use as decoration or as a mixture of tea, jasmine are also useful for various purposes. Chemicals in the womb and leaves flowers as indol, benzyl, livalylacetaat, proven effective for:Stop the excessive ASI out
How, take a handheld leaf jasmine, destroyed until smooth, then paste around the breast, each morning before the bath.

Eye pain
A mild eye disease such as red eye due to irritation, can be overcome with a handful jasmine leaves. How, take a handheld leaf jasmine, destroyed until smooth, then paste on the forehead. When the kiln has to change with the new. Repeat until cured.

Swelling due to the attack of bees
1 Take the handheld jasmine, crumple up until smooth, then paste in the bee bitten.

ever and headache
Take 1 and 10 hold the leaf bud jasmine. Intervention of all, destroy the hands, and then soaked with water in the hamper. How to use them, this soaking is used to compress the forehead.

Dengue fever.
7 pieces of boiled leaves jasmine and 1.25 grams of star fruit in 250 ml water to 1 cup of water into it. After a cold, filtered and drink on people with dengue fever. Make 3 consecutive days with a dose of 8 glasses per day.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Heart Diseases and Stroke And prevent

Heart disease and stroke is a form of disease that is very frightening.
Even now in Indonesia, heart disease ranks first as a cause of death.Heart disease and stroke are often seen as the monopoly of the parents.
Formerly, the diseases suffered by the parents, especially those
aged 60 years and over, because age is also one of the factors affected the risk
heart disease and stroke. But now there is a tendency also suffered
by patients under the age of 40 years. This can occur because of changes
lifestyle, especially on young people in modern urban areas.

When the era of globalization increasingly easy to obtain information, developing countries can immediately mimic behavior
western countries that are considered modern mirror the pattern of life. A number of behaviors such as consuming food prepared food (fast food)
that contain high saturated fat content, smoking habits, alcohol, excessive work, lack of exercise,
and stress, has become a life style, especially in urban areas. While all this behavior may be the factors that cause heart disease and stroke

Risk Factors Heart Disease & Stroke
There are various kinds of heart disease, heart disease, but in general, fear Him who is due to coronary heart
attack at the age of productive and can cause a heart attack and sudden death. The cause of the disease
heart is the coronary constriction and coronary arterial duct stoppage.
Constriction and coronary arterial duct stoppage caused by the cumulation of oxygen-fat substances (cholesterol,
trigliserida) that the longer and accumulate more and more under the layer of bitumen in (endotelium) from the vessel wall
pulse. This is to reduce or stop the flow of blood to the heart muscle so that the working heart as a blower
blood. Dominant effect of coronary heart is losing oxygen and nutrient flow to the heart because the blood to the heart
reduced. The formation of arterial plaque in fat will affect the formation of blood clot that will encourage
of a heart attack.

There are four main factors cause heart disease, namely:
1. smoking is too excessive for many years
2. degree of blood fat (cholesterol) is high
3. high blood pressure
4. diabetes

Like heart disease, stroke is also closely related to blood vessel disruption. Stroke occurs because there
interruption of blood flow to the brain. If there is a lack of regional brain blood supply is suddenly and the patient
the interference of the nerves of the brain according to the affected area. Forms can be paralyzed side (hemiplegia),
reduction in the strength of the body (hemiparesis), speech disturbances, taste disturbances (sensation) in the skin of the face,arm or leg.

Risk factors for the occurrence of stroke has similarities with the heart disease risk factors, namely:
3.High blood fat content
4.Diabetes mellitus
5.Disruption of blood vessel / heart
6.The high number of red blood cells
7.Obesity (Obesity)
8.Less physical activity / sports
9.Drink alcohol
10.Drug abuse (Drug)

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aloevera: Treat Diabetes and Heart Attacks

In addition to enrich the hair, aloe vera is also known to treat a number of nutritious disease.Among them diabetes melitus and heart attack.Aloevera plant is one of the drugs that cure a variety of nutritious disease.this Crops nation has been used around the year 1875 Samaria SM.a ancient nation of Egypt property are aloe vera as a medicine about 1500 years BC. Thanks to the property, ancient Egyptian society as a plant called immortality.a botanian traditional medicine have a nation Greek Dioscordes named, said that aloe vera can treat various diseases. For example, ulcer, skin bruised, broken, broken, scratched, hair fall, hemorrhoids, and inflammation throat.In reports Fujio L. Panggabean, a researcher and observer plant medicine,said that aloe vera is not magical because the plant has enough nutrition contents of the human body. Results of other studies indicate that aloe vera is a carbohydrate component most after water, which donated a number of calories as a source of energy.
Health Food
According to one observer health food (supplement), Dr. Freddy Wilmana, MFPM, Sp.FK, from about 200 types of aloe vera plant, which is used for both types of treatment are Aloevera Barbadensis Miller. This type of aloevera contains 72 substances that are required by between oxygen-72 to the required body, there is 18 kinds of amino acids,carbohydrate, fat, water, vitamins, minerals, enzyme, hormone, and the drug substance. Among other antibiotics, antiseptic, anti bakteri, anti cancer, anti-virus, anti-fungus, anti-infection, anti-inflammation, anti-swelling, anti-Parkinson, anti aterosklerosis, and anti virus is resistant to antibiotik.considering the uterus is complete, according to Dr aloe vera . Freddy useful not only to maintain health, but also the various diseases. "For example, aloe vera is also able to lower blood sugar in diabetes is not insulin dependent. Within ten days the blood sugar to normal, "he said.
Contains antioxidants
According to Dr. Freddy, some mineral elements contained in the aloe vera also works as a framer antioksi and natural. For example, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. "Even the results of research conducted by scientists of origin United States said that in Aloevera barbadensis Miller, there are several substances that can function as antioxidants," he said. Antioxidants that help to prevent increases in age more quickly, heart attack, and some degeneratif disease.
Aloe vera is to stimulate new cell growth on the skin. Mucus in the aloe vera lignin substances that are able to penetrate and permeate the skin.
This will keep mucus fluid loss from the body surface of the skin. Result, the skin does not dry quickly and look younger.Instead hemorrhoids, aloe vera can be overcome swelling in the knee joints, cough, and wound.aloevera also help overcome constipation or difficult to defecate because the mucus is bitter and contains laktasit, so it is a good laxative. So far, according to Dr. Freddy, research has not found the use of side effects aloevera. If there is a problem, it is only a reaction to those who have never consume aloe vera. "But, far from the patient that I consume supplements based on aloe vera, a reaction that is shown is because the power of the medicine against the disease, ".moreover, to remember, according to Dr. Freddy, the nature of the plant aloe vera is almost similar to the apple fruit is bitten when out directly nutbrown. Indeed, it can be a sign of aloe vera have been oxidation, so that some substances that
contained be damaged. "Indeed, not all elements of damage, but who would only get the dregs? Therefore, it is immediately consumption herb aloe vera, either make the necessary prepara or that have been processed, in order to feel more useful," he added.
Herb aloevera
Sore throat :
1 aloe vera leaves to be washed and peeled. Its cut a slice or
becoming juice. Add 1 spoon pure honey. drink 3 times a day.
piles :
Half stem leaf aloe vera thorns removed, washed, and shredded. Give a half glass of hot water, then filtered from the pulp. Add 2 spoons honey. In the warm, drink 3 times a day.
Diabetes melitus :
Stem 2 aloe vera leaves, washed, prickly removed, cut a slice.Boiled with 3 glasses of water, then filtered. Drink 3 times a day after meals, their each half-glass.
lower blood sugar :
1 aloe vera size approximately with the size of palm
cleaned from skin and prickly. keep on about 30 minutes in water salt. crumple up then Rinse briefly under the water fountain. Boiled with 3 glasses of water to boil. cooler. Drink as much as half cup, 2 to 3 times day.
Fertilizer hair:
2 stem aloe vera washed and peeled. The contents scrubb on the skin head that has been cleaned with the shampoo in the afternoon. Wrapped with cloth. and Next day
hair rinsed. Make every day for 3 months.
20 g aloe vera leaves to be washed, peeled, cut a slice. Give 2 spoons eat pure honey. drinks two times a day. Repeat for 10 days.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

salt in order to reduce the heart

Did you know, the consumption of salt in the extent reasonable and not excessive can not only reduce blood pressure,but also reduce the risk of heart disease overall.
In media reports the BBC's,mention that they are in the verge of high blood pressure and reduce sodium Feed of 25 to 35 percent was able to reduce the risk of heart disease overall and 25 percent. And this risk reduction lasted for 10 to 15 years.
Dr. Nancy Cook and colleagues from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston examining more than 3 thousand volunteers joined in a study on low-salt food measure and its impact on high blood pressure.In a report in the British Medical Journal, volunteers provided food measure salt has a low risk of the smaller all types of heart disease even 10 to 15 years later.They also face possible 20 percent lower than the mortality compared with those who consume normal food.
"Our study proves that the reduction of sodium can prevent heart disease and may remove any residue that the associated reduction in sodium can be dangerous," said Nancy

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), which funded the study, suggesting a reduction in consumption of sodium, as salt Feed clearly associated with high blood pressure.
At this time there were more than 65 million adults in the U.S., one of the three, can not prevent from high blood pressure, above 140/90, said NHLBI. As many as 59 million people have more risk of high blood fell ill - which is inserted in the blood pressure 120/80 or more.

The average food in the U.S. and UK contain more than 2300Mg sodium recommended by the NHLBI and expert groups.
team chef said salt may affect the blood lines and health through the heart with the way blood pressure. Because sodium makes the blood vessel can not afford to expand and strengthen contraction and heart cells.Feed sodium reduction to prevent the risk of heart disease also
in the approved Professor Graham MacGregor, consultant cardiovascular health in St George Hospital, London and the consensus Action Group on Salt. MacGregor hopes in 2010 each person can consume salt not more than six grams per day.

Feed the following limit salt / sodium based on age:
- 1 to 3 years - 2 g salt a day (0.8g sodium)
- 4 to 6 years - 3g salt a day (1.2g sodium)
- 7 to 10 years - 5g salt a day (2g sodium)
- 11 and over - 6g salt a day (2.5G sodium)

Source: Food Standards Agency

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Heart Health with Soy

Some early studies found that soy lowers blood fats and cholesterol. Although more recent studies are contradictory, the American heart Association advises that having about 50 grams a day of soy protein lowers cholesterol by about 3 percents.

A study of postmenopausal women with elevated cholesterol found that soy had the greatest effect in equol producers, a 7.2 percent reduction in total cholesterol compared to 3 percent in non-equol producers.

Soy may also help in stroke; a Hongkong study reports that 80mg of isoflavones daily improves blood flow arteries of stroke patients

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Five Foods that Love Your Heart

heart, health, nature--> WallNuts, These Contain the highest amounts of any nuts, and support heart health by lowering triglycerides and reducing Plaque fromation. "Wallnuts are rich in antioxidants and polyunsaturated oil, especially alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), "says naturopath Carrie Walters. "ALA is int the same class of fats as the omega-3 oils in fish". Studies suggest ALA reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing heart arrhythmias, lowering cholesterol and regulating blodd pressure. Barbara Eden, Nutrition Policy manager for the heart foundation, says to look for plain or dry-roasted unsalted nuts, as many are cooked in "bad oils" like palm oil, which reduces their benefits.

--> Cold Water Fish, Researchers have long known that Eskimos, who eat large quantities of cold-water fish (herring, tuna, salmon, mackerel, cod), have less heart disease. Their diet is high in omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs), which lower blood pressure, reduce triglycerides, prevent blood cells from clumping (blood clots can cause heart attack and stroke) and act as a blood thinner.

"Compelling avidence supports the cardio-protective effects of fish consumption and the intake of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids", says cardiologist Dr David Colquhoun. "however, the average Australian is currently consuming less than half the optimal recommended intake of omega-3 fatty acids." The Heart Foundation advises 500mg of marine-source omega-3 each day to reduce the risk of heart diseas, and 1,000mg a day for those with existing heart disease.

--> Oats
, "The soluble fibre in oats, beta-glcan, binds with low-density lipoproteins (LDL, or "bad" cholesterol) and expels them from the body without effecting HDL ('good' cholesterol), " says Walters. "Plus, oats benefit type II diabetics by stabilling blood glucose".

Oats also contain antioxidants, including vitamin E, selenium and phenolic acids, that reduce oxidation of cholesterol, a process that causes herdening of the arteries.

Steel-cut oats are best for breakfast as they retain more nutrients than rolled oats. Instant oats. Instant oats may be sweetened, so check the labels.

--> Chocolate, The chocolate that loves your heart is the real deal version that is at least 60 p ercents cocoa. Milk and white chocolate don't qualify! "dark chocolate has powerful antioxidant properties", says Walters. On 2007 tudy found that induced coronary vasodilation, improved coronary vascular function and decreased plateled adhesion two hours after consumption. Cocoa is loaded with flavonoids, which are also found in cranberries, apples, strawberries, onions, tea, and red wine. Flavonoids protects plant from toxins, so when humans consume these compounds, they get the same benefits. The particular flavonoids in cocoa are called flavonols, and they prevent fatlike subtances in bloodstream from clogging arteris, as well as modulating nitric oxide in the body, which is critical for healthy blood flow and blood pressure. Cocoa also contains magnesium, an important mineral for heart health.

--> Blueberries
, For such a small fruit, the bluberry packs a mighty big cardio-protective punch. Blueberries have a high atioxidant capacity, particularly one class callled "Anthocyanins improve arterial flexibility and elasticity and increase capillary strength, thereby reducing blood clots and heart attacks".

Blueerries also contain a compound called pterostilbene which has a lipid-lowering ability comparable to a common prescription drug. Pterostilbene works on a cellular level to regulate fatty acid metabolism and fats in the deposition of plaque in the arteries.

Eat blueberries either fresh or frozen - just 1/2 cup a day delivers benefits.

sources from Nature and Health Magazine

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