Showing posts with label Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cancer. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chemotherapy,Enemy Or Friend?

There are approximately 130 types of cancer diseases, which affect the condition of our bodies with a variety of ways and requires handling different. But all types of cancer that have similarities: consists of cells that cleave to grow quickly and are not. The main function of chemotherapy drugs is to recognize and destroy cells such as this.

Chemotherapy has been used since 1950s. Ordinary given before or after surgery. Sometimes accompanied by radiation therapy, chemotherapy is sometimes enough. The objective is killing all the cancer cells to the radical, to a location that is not affordable scalpel. At least to control the cancer cells that do not spread more widely.

Because the type of cancer and the condition of each person is different, also different types of chemotherapy. Doctors will invite you to speak to decide which chemotherapy is most appropriate for you.Form of chemotherapy

There are several ways of chemotherapy:
1. In the form of a tablet or capsule that should be drunk several times a day.Benefits of oral chemotherapy such as this is can be done at home.
2. In the form of injections or injection. Can be done in the room physician practices, hospitals, clinics,even at home.
3. In the form of infus. Performed in a hospital, clinic,or at home (by a trained paramedics).

Depending on the type, the chemotherapy is given every day, once a week, three weeks, even once. How many series you have to undergo chemotherapy, also depending on your type of cancer.

Side Effects:

The most feared of the side effects associated with chemotherapy. Some people did not feel the side effects of chemotherapy. There is a mild side effects. But there is also a very suffer thereby. There are not-or heavy-light chemotherapy side effects depend on many things, among other types of chemotherapy drugs, the condition of your body, your mental condition, and so forth.

Chemotherapy side effects occur because chemotherapy drugs are very strong, and not only kill cancer cells, but also attack healthy cells, especially cells that split quickly.
Therefore, chemotherapy side effects appear in the parts of the body of the cell-selnya quickly split, namely:

Hair falloff
-Bone marrow
(reduced hemoglobin, trombosit, and white blood cell,making the body weak,tired feeling,shortness of breath,easy to experience bleeding,infection, and easy)
-Skin (go / become black, dry, and itchy), mouth and throat (sariawan, feel dry, and difficult to swallow)
-Alimentary tract (nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach)
-Hormone production (lower fertility and sexual lust)

But you need not fear. Together with chemotherapy, doctors usually give the medicines for side effects associated with the minimal possible. Moreover all the side effects are temporary. Once the chemotherapy is stopped, your condition will recover as they are.

Some of the food supplement products claiming to reduce chemotherapy side effects as well as rebuild the condition of the body. You can use it, but consult with experts, and is certainly also with your doctor.

Currently, with more and more use of herbal medicines (which is increasingly accepted among medical), many clinics that claim to be able to give a free herbal chemotherapy side effects. If you intend to use it, make sure that you handle in the clinic is a medical doctor. At least you should consult with a doctor who cared for you, and do laboratory examination regularly to monitor the results.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Effect of Tea Consumption Health : Tea and cancer

Tea has been considered as a beverage as cancer preventive activity such as has been demonstrated in many animal models.
Models include skin cancer, tuberculosis, esofagus, stomach, liver, small intestine, pancreas, kolon, urine bag, prostat, and gland milk. The solution usually given to the animals as the sole source of liquid water.

Extensive studies on tumorigenesis in the induction of UV light and chemicals, as tuberculosis is one tumor induction and chemicals that occur spontaneously in mouse have indicated that tea has a wide inhibitori activity against tumorigenesis and effective when the administration during a phase insiasi, promotion or progresi karsinogenesis. This conclusion may also be applied to other models.
The results have been reported about the opposite effect on the tea karsinogenesis kolon; retardation and less obstacles they have been reported. Retardation of the milk gland tumorigenesis is one of chemical induction by tea has been the observation in mice that were given high fatty food. EGCG has been shown prevent the growth of cells and breast cancer human prostat.

Many mechanisms have been proposed about the action against inhibitori tea karsinogenesis. Mechanism is the most common activity antioksidatif, but many other mechanisms are also important. Antiproliferatif effects of tea catechin has been demonstrated on the model and the tuberculosis skin tumorigenesis in mice. Obstacles tranformasi cells and cell growth by catechin and theaflavin pure also has been reported.

Activity that has been linked to the major activities of activator protein 1 (AP-1). Because AP-1 activation that is often in many human cancers, this action may be applied to human cancer prevention. Retardation enzyme associated with tumor promotion, such as ornithine decarboxylase, protein kinase C, lipoksigenase and sikloosigenase by tea has been shown. Relationships between the decrease in body fat by tea and tumorigenesis barrier in the skin have been observations.

mouse that drinking black tea or green tea has a tumor tuberculosis fewer and less weight than controls, although they consume the same amount of food or more. Based on the varied activities inhibitori who have diobservasi in animal models of different culture and different cancer cells, it may be that the uterus and the mechanisms involved in the multiple barriers karsinogenesis.

Effect on the nutrition
On mouse obesity, consumption of tea for 10 weeks have a lot to prevent obesity and fat. Absorpsi nutrien decreases and the burning of energy may be increased in both constribution effect.

Green tea extract stimulated thermogenesis has adiposa network in the rat to a level that is greater than can be done by caffeine alone. Ingesti green tea extract by young men with healthy food each produce a significant increase in the burning of energy 24 hours.

This study has indicated that polifenol tea hamper activity catechol O-methyltransferase and synergistic with caffeine reacts to extend simpatetik stimulation of thermogenesis.
Whether the consumption of tea absorpsi protein in humans still needs further investigated. Afinitas because of the strong ties of tea against polifenol ion-metal ion, an effect that may be in the tea absorpsi nutrien is very important.

The decline in iron absorpsi because tea has been reported. Effect seems to be mainly in the nonheme iron, and iron and when the tea is consumed at the same time. Heme iron Absorpsi from cooked meat that is not affected by tea consumption.

Among women aged 65-76 years, tea consumption associated with the measurement of bone mineral density is greater, which is consistent with reports that the tea is Protective against fraktura hipbone.

The data indicate that components other than polifenol, such as fitoestrogen or fluorida, may affect bone mineral density. Tea found glukosiltransferase prevent activities from streptokokki oral and dental caries development in rats. Tea contains fluorida that may akan strengthen tooth enamel and improve dental health.

In the mouse model arthritik reduce collagen, polifenol green tea in a significant incidence reducing illness and arthritis. Inflamatori expression of mediators that include siklooksigenase-2, Interferon gamma, and TNF-alpha on the lower joints arthritik from mouse are polifenol green tea. Cataracts, which develop as a result presipitasi protein in the lens, may reduce by the increased consumption of tea .

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cancer Symptoms In Children

An estimated 2-4% of overall cancer attack children. Although these numbers appear small, but contribute 10% of cancer deaths in children. And according to data from 2007,in Indonesia each year found about 4,100 cancer patients a new child.Not yet known what causes certain cancers in children. Cancer that attacks since the baby was born,it is alleged irregularities cell growth due to genetic defects in the womb.In children is greater,is suspected to trigger environmental factors and children's food is not healthy.Can be also due to virus infection or radiation.Or blend between genetic factors,environment,radiation,and infection.
Cancer is found most often in children is a blood cancer or leukemia (25-30%), followed by retinoblastoma(eye cancer retina),limfoma(lymph gland cancer),neuroblastoma(nerve cancer), kidney cancer(Wilms tumor),rabdomiosarkoma (lurik muscle cancer),and osteosarkoma(bone cancer).
As with adults, cancer in children most likely to be cured if found early in the stadium. But early detection of cancer to children is not easy, because children have not been able to understand and depict the perceived symptoms. Therefore, the role of people in the surrounding areas are very important in detecting the symptoms of cancer.
According to several sources, symptoms of childhood cancer are:
a. Blood cancer (leukemia)
Symptoms that need to be on alert and are often found in leukemia,among others,face pale, listless, weak, fever is not clear and is not cured by antibiotics,the bleeding is not clear, the surface skin appear livid livid when not collide,painful movement members ( bone),stomach swelling/hard,lymph gland enlargement.
b. Brain cancer
Symptoms that should alert the headache is that the longer the heavy,accompanied by nausea and vomiting due to the pressure hose from the increase in the head.Can also talk with interference,vision disturbances,balance disturbances,convulsions,decrease awareness,and even changes in behavior can occur.Originality is at the peak of the baby's head appears to stand out.
c. Retina Eye Cancer (Retinoblastoma)
Cancer is most often attacked babies aged 6 months-2 years.Symptoms that need to be vigilant is in The speck of white in the middle of the eye that seems wrong when the light is shining (like cat's eyes).Other symptoms is delayed vision, suddenly cast in, and at the stadium go eyeball protruding out
d. Cancer lymph nodes (Limfoma Maligna)
Cancer is the most children age 5-7 years.Symptoms that should be on alert when there is a progressive gland swelling lymph-gland in the neck,axilla,and the intestine,without the inflammation and pain.When you arise in the lymph gland in the intestine, can cause the cork on the intestine with symptoms of stomachache,vomiting,unable to defecate,and fever.When grown in the chest,can encourage the breath or pressing the channel,so that the patient experienced shortness of breath and face turn.In addition,children appear weak,listless,and decreased appetite.
e. Saraf cancer (Neuroblastoma)
Cancer simpatis this nerve can occur in different parts of the body.In the children most often occur near the kidneys, the lumbar region, in the neck or chest cavity,and eyes. If there are areas in the eye,can make the ball protruding eyes,eyelid swelling and blue, or the lid down,and the pupil broad.When found in the spine,can press spinal cord and cause paralysis that quickly.Distribution of the bones can cause a fracture without reason,without pain,so people suddenly limp. Other symptoms appear is a bulge in the head,stomach or belly and hard.
f. Kidney cancer (Nefroblastoma)
Nefroblastoma often called Wilms Tumor is the most children aged 3-4 years,but can also attack the new born baby.Symptoms marked with bloody urine,malaise in the stomach,and when the stomach is big enough draw looks and feels hard.
g. Muscle cancer (Rabdomiosarkoma)
Cancer can strike anywhere in the muscles,usually in children in the area of the head,neck, bladder,prostat,and vagina.Symptoms depend on the location of the cause. In the eye socket,can cause eye out prominent,in the eyes bulge.In the ear causing pain or discharge of blood from the ear hole.Channel in the urine cause interference berkemih.If members of the order muscle movement,cause swelling.
h. Cancer dislocated (Osteosarkoma)
Osteosarkoma usually attack children aged 10-20 years.Can attack every part of the bones, but most are found in the leg,arm, and hip.Usually marked by pain and swelling on the bone. Sometimes in the first concussion, such as the fall of the causes are not clear.
If you find symptoms like the above on the baby and your children, consult the doctor immediately. Treated in essentially the same as the adults, the combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplants.
Are prevention efforts that can be done is, pregnant mothers should avoid radiation, avoid pollution and cigarette smoke, always eat healthy foods and avoid foods that contain chemicals, a reduced consumption of fat, and get the children to live healthy, eat healthy food, protection from pollution.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How garlic Fight Cancer?

In modern society garlic (Allium sativum) can be trusted to prevent heart attack, blood clotting, lower cholesterol level, blood pressure, blood sugar, reduce the kind of ulcer in the stomach and small intestine stomach base, bidder poison, killer bacteria / fungi / parasites, fastener free radicals, and many others. Is the flavor cuisine daily can also cure cancer?
Various studies indicate the ability of garlic to prevent and treat cancer, mainly caused by the chemicals hazardous, such as prostat cancer, stomach, kolorektal (intestine and rectum), breast, liver, skin, and lungs.Oxygen-active substances in garlic, among others, vitamin A, B, C, calcium, potasium, iron, karoten, and selenium. The most dominant in the fight against cancer is allyl sulfur components, such as diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, S-allyl cysteine, S-allylmercaptocysteine, allicin, and ajoene. Oxygen-oxygen is to prevent the establishment and the nitrosamin in the body, also blocked aflatoxin, azoxymethane, benzo (a) pyrene, and others, all of which are substances karsinogen (trigger cancer).
In the next stage of the components may prevent mutation genes, preventing proliferation (growth / division) of cancer cells, improving the structure of DNA that is damaged, even to stimulate cancer cell suicide (apoptosis).
On the other side of garlic also act as antioxidants, removing the poison from the body, and kill the bacteria Helicobacter pylori that can trigger a variety of stomach cancer.
How to consume
Certainly, workplace substance-active substance of garlic that depends on many things, such as the land where garlic is grown (in a dry oxygen-active substance of garlic), the composition of substances in the food consumed at the same time with it, also how to prepare and consume onion white itself. Combination with selenium, a fatty acid (eg acid linoleat), and vitamin A, can increase the ability of garlic to prevent proliferation and increase apoptosis.
But need to realize that the processing of garlic can kill power of oxygen-oxygen antikanker it. One minute it is processed in the microwave, then the lost property as antikanker garlic. Similarly, if heated in the process of another concoction. So what? Should garlic swallowed it raw?
In fact just simple. Destroy garlic (beaten hard / sliced thin) and leave for 15 minutes before cooked (used as a cooking ingredient). Within 15 minutes was a chemical reaction to activate the oxygen-oxygen groups of allyl sulfur antikanker above, that is not damaged even if it is cooked. But if cooked immediately after destroyed, the chemical reaction does not occur, automatic property antikankernya lost.
If desired, garlic can also be consumed raw. But still it must be destroyed first and left for 15 minutes. So what if the onion will be served whole, for example, in the pickle? Peeled and cut quite a few edges. Fair, still has property antikanker albeit not as well as if destroyed.
Potential Danger
Not easy, using garlic for prevention and treatment of cancer? The price is cheap and easily obtainable as well. But be wary, not mean that garlic may be consumed carelessly. Do not think that the more garlic consumed the better the results.
The recommended dose for the consumption of garlic is 4-5 grams of fresh garlic / day (about 1-2 cloves). If too many, than not cause the smell in the breath and silky skin, often cause allergies, digestive disturbances (vomiting, diarrhea, irritation, excessive gas production), bronkial asthma, dermatitis, reduce the rate of protein and calcium in the blood, also reducing the production of sperm.
Too much garlic increase the risk of bleeding because of its ability to prevent thrombosis. Therefore the people who want or just the surgery, the consumption of garlic should be limited.
Garlic also work to increase enzyme-enzyme in the liver to remove poisons from the body. On the ability of healthy people is very helpful, but be careful, he can also remove the drugs that you swallow and chemotherapy drugs. Medicine you become useless, is not it? Therefore, if you want to increase the consumption of garlic or use a product suplemennya, consultation with a doctor first.

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Herbal therapy for Nutrition And Cancer: herbal theraphy

Flavonoid compound kuersetin in the parasite is estimated to work as isomerase enzyme inhibitor of cancer cell DNA (a role in the process of multiplication and increased violence cancer). Tapak dara (Catharanthus roseus / Vinca rosea) also known has two classes of alkaloid compound vinka a nutritious preventing multiplication and spread of cancer cells. The second compound is vinkristin and vinblastin.Besides palm virgin catharanthin contain alkaloid, which is similar to the compound in the plasma cell cancer. Absorption of this compound in cancer cells is estimated to be urgent and destroy cancer cells in the nucleus.
Plant meniran (Phyllantus niruri) and white turmeric (Curcuma alba) also has property antikanker through its work imunomodulator. Both plant extracts in this experiment was mencit increase the number of limfosit, increasing toksisitas cancer killer cells (natural killer) and the synthetic antibody specific. Attributes above will strengthen the body's defense mechanism against viruses and cancer cells.
The leaves are also alleged to have strong healing property because of suspected cancer comes from Interferon-like compound that is a natural antibody against the virus and cancer cells. How to combat the cancer with the virus that causes cancer cells to DNA damage normal cells into cancer. This said leaf respited more nutritious for the type of prostat cancer, rectum, and channel the breath.
Maitake mushroom as any cancer drug has been examined through a combination of mushroom extract with the preparation sitostatika to a number of people with cancer. According to Dr. Iwan T. Budiarso, researchers at the Balitbang MOH RI, maitake not only alleviate the symptoms of breast cancer, lung and liver, but also due to the side caused by sitostatika. Plosakarida compound 1-6 glukans B maitake believed to play a role in preventing the growth and spread of cancer cells through the increased effectiveness of all the cells in the body's defense system in addition to increasing sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation and sitostatika.

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Herbal therapy for Nutrition And Cancer ::Pressing Cancer Cell Growth

If DNA damage is not normal cells also successfully prevented by compound or vitamin / minerals that are antioxidants, or when the form is already cancer cells, the action that we can do is press the growth of cancer cells. Cancer cell growth takes place quickly after the cells are getting fatty acid omega-6. To reduce the influence of fatty acid and drive out of this in cancer cells, fatty acid omega-3 that there are many fish in the cold have an important role. Fatty acid omega-3, also known as EPA (eicosapentanoic acid) or gama-lenolenat, is one of the essential fat.Some types of cancer cells can also grow quickly when triggered by the human hormone estrogen, such as in breast cancer cells. In this case isoflavon which is a soybean fitoestrogen in fact competitive with the human estrogen. So that the consumption of soybean isoflavon will help prevent the growth of cancer triggered by estrogen in humans. From here we can understand the role of tempe, soy milk and in food as the growth of cancer prevention.
Metastase cells to prevent cancer, we need to know how the cells are spread out. There are two ways cancer cells pro-metastase: through angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessel) and collagen, which is crushing the normal cells. Thus metastase will dihambat if angiogenesis can be prevented, while the collagen is damaged can be repaired by the body itself by using a certain food.
For angiogenesis, cancer cells release growth factors. Production of growth factors appeared to be arrested by preparation inhibitor Cox-2 that includes resveratrol in the skin of red wine, turmeric and kurkumin in genestein in soybean.
Renovation collagen by cancer cells occurs with the help of enzyme produced kolagenase the cancer cells themselves.
Preparation of nutrition can hamper the process of renovation this is vitamin C and shark cartilage. In addition to joining Interferon stimulates the formation of the fight against cancer cells, vitamin C can improve the damage appeared to collagen with new collagen created through hidroksilasi prolin. Perhaps this is the role of the controversial statement of the basis of a nobel prize winner in chemistry and peace, Linus Carl Pauling, of the nutrition therapy of cancer with vitamin C megadosis.
Other forms of nutrition that can help repair cartilage collagen is a shark that many have been used as a cancer drug. Indeed, shark cartilage is a source of collagen that can provide natural products for body cells to synthetic collagen.

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Herbal therapy for Nutrition And Cancer : must know

Until now This cancer is a disease threat, while a specific drug to stop the growth of cancer cells also has not been found. Toh prevention efforts continue to grown with radiation therapy and sitostatika.
However, some people prefer an alternative therapy. To see the size of the risks and benefits of alternative therapy, is very much needed understanding of how to work an alternative therapy, including the use of food supplements (vitamins and antioxidants compound mineral) and herbal preparation that can work against cancer.
Various types of food was the best oxygen-containing substances antikanker. Without even cooking oil with a mixture of broccoli, mustard greens, cabbage flowers, carrots, tomatoes, meat and fish is very rich with antioxidants elements.
Various alil compound such as sulfide in garlic, turmeric in kurkumin, isoflavon in soybean, likofen in tomatoes, polifenol in green tea, revesratrol in red grape skin, and sulforafan food is broccoli in cancer prevention. Some vitamins and minerals are also antioxidants which are often promoted for the prevention of cancer: beta-karoten, vitamin C, E, and selenium.
For herbal therapy, there are a variety of plants, based on empirical experience, we can fight cancer. Among parasite (Dendrophtoe petandra), virgin palm (Catharanthus roseus), meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L), white turmeric (Kaempferia rotunda L), respite (Pettiveria alliacea) and maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa).
Cancer appears when normal cell DNA were damaged causing genetic mutation. If this is not immediately corrected, the cell multiplication of damaged DNA to its potential to produce cancer cells. When the cells are intended to increase the recovery of cells damaged or worn.
From the science of nutrition, the two elements that can damage DNA cells is normal and free radical karsinogen. Free radicals can be produced through the metabolism of the body or the environment around us (gas-out factories and vehicles, cigarette smoke, chemical substances, substances such as insecticides, chemical substances or ingredients in food aditif). Fortunately free radicals and can be bound by some dinetralkan compound, vitamins and minerals that are antioxidants.
The compound antioxidants that neutralize free radicals is polifenol (green tea), likofen (tomatoes), beta-carotene (carrots), and some other compound in the vegetable or fruit.
Special likofen in the tomato, this compound bound with a strong fiber fruit is. To free, tomatoes must be cooked with a little oil first, considering the nature likofen that easy dissolved in oil.
Research Harvard University on 48,000 people in 1995 showed, people who eat 10 times dishes containing tomatoes per week will decrease the risk of cancer prostat exposed to almost half. Vitamin C, E, and selenium are found in many fruits, vegetables, sprout, and the seeds are also antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.

Second element is a substance in food karsinogen. Substance is derived from prokarsinogen by the phase I enzyme in the liver changed into karsinogen. Meanwhile, phase II enzyme will remove the product residue phase I enzyme, which can prevent the formation of cancer cells. If the enzyme phase I enzyme that can be called evil, then the phase II enzyme is the enzyme that good.

Phase I enzyme appeared to be arrested by alil sulfide compound in garlic prokarsinogen so that changes can be karsinogen reduced. One example is the famous karsinogen compound produced nitrosamin burning meat / fish (eg sate scorched) and the oil pan that has been used many times. Vitamin C act as antioxidants that prevent the formation of dissolved nitrosamin in the channel.

While the phase II enzyme production can be enhanced by the many sulforafan found in broccoli, cabbage flowers, and mustard greens. Therefore, the menu consists of vegetables broccoli, mustard greens, cabbage flowers, carrots, tomatoes, and pan-fish oil and a little garlic is one of the options menu that is rich in antioxidants elements.

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10 things to do this to avoid cancer

Before this disease attacks the body, there are simple tips prevent some types of cancer.

Recognizing the symptoms of one type of cancer disease course, can make us anxious. Moreover, if find out about other types of cancer. In fact, there are still dozens of other types of cancer that we know not well.

Before the disease attacks the body of this death, there are simple tips to prevent some types of cancer. See tips:
1. Stop smoking
Cigarettes are the main causes of the occurrence of lung cancer, and about 30% risk of triggering other types of cancer. Therefore, from now stop nicotine habit suck this poison.
2. Avoid direct sun exposure
Direct sun exposure, excessive and can cause skin cancer. Therefore, always protect your skin with sun block, hat or umbrella, especially starting at 9 o'clock am to 4pm.
3. Reduce fatty foods
Consume a lot of fatty food can cause you to risk exposure kolon cancer, and breast cancer. In addition, with consume excessive Obesity can cause and will be in touch with the womb, cancer and gall bladder cancer. Controlling body weight and exercise will reduce the risk of cancer is affected.
4. eat a lot of fibrous food
Wheat, rice, vegetables, and fruit is a source of both natural fibers and protect you from colon cancer (kolorektal). Consumption of food that contains lots of natural fiber, regularly every day.
5. Minimize Feed smoked food, burned and preserved
On the food that is burned, the womb is known substances that increase the risk of cancer higher. Stomach cancer found in many countries that many of the people who consume smoked foods and containing preservative.
6. Choose foods that contain lots of Vitamin A & C
Vitamin A & C natural, and important substances from fruits and vegetables can protect us from various diseases, including cancer. Gynecology in antioxidants can prevent free radicals that are in our bodies. Thus, consumption of fruit and vegetables regularly
7. Consumption of more vegetables the cabbage
ate the vegetables including the cabbage, such as cabbage, broccoli, cabbage and flowers bok choy. Because the research shows that you can eat with a shunt from stomach cancer, and cancer kolorektal channel breath.
8. Avoid alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages in the number of lots, can increase the risk of liver cancer and is exposed to stomach cancer. Moreover, if the drinking of alcohol along with smoking, the risk can be more exposed to oral cancer, and cancer tenggorokkan.
9. Up check regularly
Check yourself to see a doctor regularly, well 6 months. That way you can know the condition of health and disease can be detected as early as possible.
10. Lifestyle balanced pattern
Keep a balance meal pattern. Feed carbohydrate, protein, minerals, vitamins, and other substances must be balanced. Also divide the time equally between work and rest

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cancer Protection with Soy

Dietary soy appears to protect againts some cancers. In laboratory studies, genistein slows the growth of breast, prostate, colon and skin cancer cells.

Breast Cancer - Japanese women have about one quarter the risk of breast cancer of American Women. A Singapore study found that premenopausal women eating the most soy foods had 60 percent less breast cancer risk than those with the lowest intake; a Japanese study found that premenopausal women with the highest tofu intake had 20 percent less risk.

However, in both studies ther was no benefit for posmenopausal women. Studies of Western women are not definitive because soy intake is very low but there is some evidence that if young women eat soy it may protect them later life. Soy intake need to be considered carefully in women with existing benign breast growth or breast cancer because remilinary studies have shown it may have undesirable oestrogenic effects on breast tissue. No firm consclusion can be drawn until further research is conducted.

Prostate Cancer - Soy has been inplicated in the low rate of deaths from prostate cancer in Japan. Genistein may inhibit the enzyme that stimulates prostate cell growth and can slow the growth and spread of prostate cancer cells in the laboratory.

Animal studies have found that soy or genistein slows the growth of prostate tumours. In a small study of men with prostate cancer in which conventonal treatment was ineffective and prostate specific antigen (PSA), a cancer activity marker, was increasing, 120 mg of soy isoflavones daily for six months lessened the PSA rise. However, other studies show no effect on PSA levels.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

STROWBERRY PREVENT AND CANCER Colon ORal, maintaining heart health

colon cancer and oral cancer is best. Studies ublished in the Journal of An Agricultural Food Chemistry shows, berry contains a number of with antioxidants that prevent the growth of cancer cells. Berry also is a good source of vitamin C, folate, and fiber. Meanwhile, the Harvard Medical School researchers found, eating strowberry can keep the heart healthy by lowering inflamasi vessel blood. Women who reported eating most strowberry possible 14 have a lower level C-reactive Protein levels, known as CRP, biomarker for inflamasi in the blood vessel, is associated with the atherosclerosis and the higher risk of disease kardiovaskular. This is the first study that shows strowberry can help reduce the possibility of increase in CRP level in the blood. Fruit and vegetable intake higher consistently associated with a decrease in the risk of disease kardiovaskular. But still more research is needed to help provide more evidence that eating fruits and vegetables can help lower the risk of disease kardiovaskular. The researchers also found, with women more strowberry intake higher the possible greater heart healthy lifestyle. Group women with the highest intake strowberry average eat 2 times more many fruits and vegetables each day compared to women's groups with intake lowest. The findings published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

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Saturday, December 6, 2008


Cancer (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood). These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited, do not invade or metastasize. Most cancers form a tumor but some, like leukemia, do not. The branch of medicine concerned with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer is oncology.

Cancer may affect people at all ages, even fetuses, but the risk for most varieties increases with age.[1] Cancer causes about 13% of all deaths.[2] According to the American Cancer Society, 7.6 million people died from cancer in the world during 2007.[3] Cancers can affect all animals.

Nearly all cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed cells. These abnormalities may be due to the effects of carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke, radiation, chemicals, or infectious agents. Other cancer-promoting genetic abnormalities may be randomly acquired through errors in DNA replication, or are inherited, and thus present in all cells from birth. The heritability of cancers are usually affected by complex interactions between carcinogens and the host's genome. New aspects of the genetics of cancer pathogenesis, such as DNA methylation, and microRNAs are increasingly recognized as important.

Genetic abnormalities found in cancer typically affect two general classes of genes. Cancer-promoting oncogenes are typically activated in cancer cells, giving those cells new properties, such as hyperactive growth and division, protection against programmed cell death, loss of respect for normal tissue boundaries, and the ability to become established in diverse tissue environments. Tumor suppressor genes are then inactivated in cancer cells, resulting in the loss of normal functions in those cells, such as accurate DNA replication, control over the cell cycle, orientation and adhesion within tissues, and interaction with protective cells of the immune system.

Diagnosis usually requires the histologic examination of a tissue biopsy specimen by a pathologist, although the initial indication of malignancy can be symptoms or radiographic imaging abnormalities. Most cancers can be treated and some cured, depending on the specific type, location, and stage. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As research develops, treatments are becoming more specific for different varieties of cancer. There has been significant progress in the development of targeted therapy drugs that act specifically on detectable molecular abnormalities in certain tumors, and which minimize damage to normal cells. The prognosis of cancer patients is most influenced by the type of cancer, as well as the stage, or extent of the disease. In addition, histologic grading and the presence of specific molecular markers can also be useful in establishing prognosis, as well as in determining individual treatments.


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