Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke with the pattern of food and Healthy Living
Prevention efforts to avoid heart disease and stroke begins with improving lifestyle and controlling risk factors will reduce the chance of disease is affected.
For the prevention of heart disease & stroke avoid Obesity / overweight and high cholesterol. Start by consuming more vegetables, fruits, grains, and other fibrous food fish. Less meat, snacks, and the food with high calories and contains many other saturated fat.
cholesterol buried in the blood vessel walls and cause aterosklerosis which the trigger heart disease and smoking stroke.stoped is a target that must be achieved, as well as avoiding cigarette smoke from the environment. Smoking causes reduced blood vessel elasticity, thereby increasing blood vessel arterial stiffening, and increase the blood coagulation factors that trigger heart disease and stroke. Smokers have the opportunity infected coronary heart and stroke about two times higher compared with non-smokers.Reduce alcohol. The more alcohol consumption, then the type of stroke, especially the higher hemoragik. Alcohol can increase blood pressure, weaken the heart, blood coagulate and cause arterial strain. Make Sports / physical activity. Sports can help reduce body weight, controlling cholesterol content, and lower blood pressure which is the other risk factors affected the heart and stroke
controle of high blood pressure and blood sugar. Hypertension is the main factor affected by stroke and coronary heart disease. Diabetes also increases the risk of stroke 1,5-4 times, especially when blood sugar is not restrained.
Avoid the use of prohibited drugs such as heroin, cocaine, amfetamin, because dope can increase the risk of stroke 7-fold compared with the non-drug users.
Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke with the medicine plants
Some types of plants, drugs that can be used to prevent heart disease and stroke have any effect smooth blood circulation and as antikoagulan that prevent blood clotting, due to heart disease and stroke
is the main cause of disturbance in the blood vessel.
Some types of plants and natural medicine that can be used to prevent and overcome the Heart Diseases and Stroke, among others:
1. Daun Dewa (Gynura segetum)
Farmakologis effect: as the anticoagulant, dilute blood clot, blood circulation and expedite clean up toxic.
The leaves are used and tubers. The recommended dose is 15-30 grams of fresh leaves and 6-10 grams tubers
2. Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia)
Property; reduce high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and high blood sugar. Property can be prevent the risk of exposure of stroke and heart disease. Dosage: 2-3 pieces of cooked.
3. Garlic (Allium sativum)
Effect: smooth blood circulation, antikoagulan (to prevent coagulation of blood), lower blood cholesterol,lower blood sugar, lower high blood pressure and increase immune system.
4. Onion (Allium CEPA)
Nutritious prevent blood clotting, reduce blood fat content, lower blood sugar and
lower blood pressure.
5. Ear black mushroom (Auricularia auricula)
Property / effect: Preventing stroke and brain hemorrhage, good for the heart and blood vessel.
6. Seaweed (Laminaria japonica)
Property: prevent blood vessel constriction, lower cholesterol and high blood pressure.
7. Purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
Property: prevent aterosklerosis (constringency and stoppage of blood vessel), to prevent the increased cholesterol blood, reduce nervous tension.
8. Banana heart
Savor: Preventing stroke and brain hemorrhage, good for the heart and blood vessel.
9. Rose flower (Rosa chinensis)
Property / effect: smooth blood circulation, neutralize poison. The dose: 3-10 g dried flower
10. Siantan (Ixora stricta Roxb.)
Savor: minify clot, lowering blood pressure. The dose: 10-15 g flowe
For the prevention of heart disease & stroke avoid Obesity / overweight and high cholesterol. Start by consuming more vegetables, fruits, grains, and other fibrous food fish. Less meat, snacks, and the food with high calories and contains many other saturated fat.
cholesterol buried in the blood vessel walls and cause aterosklerosis which the trigger heart disease and smoking stroke.stoped is a target that must be achieved, as well as avoiding cigarette smoke from the environment. Smoking causes reduced blood vessel elasticity, thereby increasing blood vessel arterial stiffening, and increase the blood coagulation factors that trigger heart disease and stroke. Smokers have the opportunity infected coronary heart and stroke about two times higher compared with non-smokers.Reduce alcohol. The more alcohol consumption, then the type of stroke, especially the higher hemoragik. Alcohol can increase blood pressure, weaken the heart, blood coagulate and cause arterial strain. Make Sports / physical activity. Sports can help reduce body weight, controlling cholesterol content, and lower blood pressure which is the other risk factors affected the heart and stroke
controle of high blood pressure and blood sugar. Hypertension is the main factor affected by stroke and coronary heart disease. Diabetes also increases the risk of stroke 1,5-4 times, especially when blood sugar is not restrained.
Avoid the use of prohibited drugs such as heroin, cocaine, amfetamin, because dope can increase the risk of stroke 7-fold compared with the non-drug users.
Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke with the medicine plants
Some types of plants, drugs that can be used to prevent heart disease and stroke have any effect smooth blood circulation and as antikoagulan that prevent blood clotting, due to heart disease and stroke
is the main cause of disturbance in the blood vessel.
Some types of plants and natural medicine that can be used to prevent and overcome the Heart Diseases and Stroke, among others:
1. Daun Dewa (Gynura segetum)
Farmakologis effect: as the anticoagulant, dilute blood clot, blood circulation and expedite clean up toxic.
The leaves are used and tubers. The recommended dose is 15-30 grams of fresh leaves and 6-10 grams tubers
2. Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia)
Property; reduce high blood pressure, lower cholesterol and high blood sugar. Property can be prevent the risk of exposure of stroke and heart disease. Dosage: 2-3 pieces of cooked.
3. Garlic (Allium sativum)
Effect: smooth blood circulation, antikoagulan (to prevent coagulation of blood), lower blood cholesterol,lower blood sugar, lower high blood pressure and increase immune system.
4. Onion (Allium CEPA)
Nutritious prevent blood clotting, reduce blood fat content, lower blood sugar and
lower blood pressure.
5. Ear black mushroom (Auricularia auricula)
Property / effect: Preventing stroke and brain hemorrhage, good for the heart and blood vessel.
6. Seaweed (Laminaria japonica)
Property: prevent blood vessel constriction, lower cholesterol and high blood pressure.
7. Purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
Property: prevent aterosklerosis (constringency and stoppage of blood vessel), to prevent the increased cholesterol blood, reduce nervous tension.
8. Banana heart
Savor: Preventing stroke and brain hemorrhage, good for the heart and blood vessel.
9. Rose flower (Rosa chinensis)
Property / effect: smooth blood circulation, neutralize poison. The dose: 3-10 g dried flower
10. Siantan (Ixora stricta Roxb.)
Savor: minify clot, lowering blood pressure. The dose: 10-15 g flowe
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