Adas(Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)
Fennel is one of nine medicinal plants that are considered to have any property in the health care for Anglo-Saxon. In Indonesia, the plant that could help us health care has been appointed as the plant that have a value and sometimes as a flavoring plants or plant drugs. Plants that can help us in health care can be low from living up to a height of 1800 m above sea level, but will grow better on the high plains.
Originally from Europe and South Asia, and because the benefits and many in Indonesia, India, Argentina, Europe, and Jepang.tall 50 cm - 2 m, genus grow. One family usually consists of 3 - 5 bar. Trunk bluish green, grooved,having knuckle, perforated, smell fragrant when bruised.
The taste it seems like relatively kamfer. The fennel oil fennel, basil, which is refinery powder fennel fruit that is cooked and dry. There are two types of fennel oil, sweet and bitter. Both were used in industrial medicine. Fennel is also used for flavor, or used as material to improve the taste (corrigentia saporis) scent and medicinal herb. Fennel is usually used in conjunction with skin stem pulosari. Leaves can be eaten as vegetables. Multiplication with the seeds or plants with separated children.
HOW usage:
The fruit of fennel 3 - 9 g boiled, fennel fruit drink or fine grinding, and boiled with boiling water to drink while warm. Leaves are eaten as vegetables or boiled, and drunk. External, fruit dry fine grinding then for use on local cold sore, toothache, ear pain and injury. Fennel oil can also be used to wipe the child's body cold.
1. Cough
a. Prepare the fennel fruit powder of 5 g,boiled with 1/2 cup boiling water. Once cool, filter, add 1 tsp honey. stirr until evenly distributed, as well as drinking. Do 2 times a day, until healed. b. Prepare the saga leaves 1/4 hold, 2 hibiscus flower bud, leaf poko 1/5 handheld, flower bud tembelekan 10, 2 grains of red onion, 1 tsp fennel, pulosari 1 finger, 1 finger rhizome ginger, brown sugar 3 fingers, washed and cut a slice as necessary. Boiled with 3 clean water glass until remaining half. After the cold filtered, then drink. Perform 3 times a day, each 1/2 cup.
2. Shortness of breath
a. Take oil 10 drops of fennel boiled with 1 tablespoon hot water. Drink while warm. Perform 3 times a day until healed. b. Prepare the fennel 1 / 2 tsp, ¼ pulosari fingers,kencur rhizome 2 fingers, 1 finger temulawak rhizome, 114 black caraway tsp, leaves poncosudo (Jasminum pubescens) 1 / 4 handheld, palm sugar 3 fingers, washed and cut a slice . boiled all ingredient with 4 1 / 2 cup water until the remaining approximately half. After the cold, filtered, and ready to drink. 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup.
3. Cold sore
Prepare the fennel 3/4 tsp, coriander 3/4 tsp, leaves slobber 1/5 handheld, saga leaves 1/4 hold, dragon scale 1/5 handheld, Sembung leaves 1/4 hold, pegagan 1/4 hold, leaves windiness 1/6 hold, pulosari 3/4 fingers, lempuyang rhizome fragrant 1/2 finger,1/2 turmeric fingers rhizome, cinnamon 3/4 finger, 3 finger brown sugar, washed and cut-cut as necessary. Materials before boiled ago with 4 1/2 cup water until the remaining separonya. After the cold filtered, ready to drink. 3 times a day, each time enough 3/4 cup.
4. Menstruation is not regular
Prepare the leaves and flowers srigading their masing.1/5 handheld, black cumin 3/4 tsp, fennel 1/2 tsp, pulosari 1/2 finger, flower bud kesumba keling 2, 2 lemon fruit, rock candy eggs of chicken, washed ago cut a slice as necessary.boiled all materials earlier with 3 clean water glass until remaining 2 1/4 cup. After the cold filtered, drunk 3 times a day, each 3 / 4 cup. Medicinal plants, or poisoned mushroom powder Prepare the fruit as much as 5 g fennel, and boiling with half cup of wine. Drink while warm.
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