Showing posts with label Face. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Face. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2009

beauty with spicy

Already from the time of the ancestors, natural materials that are near your body can improve the beauty of the hair to the tip of the claw feet. In addition to cheap, raw material is also easily obtained.
Kemiri (Candlenut) for Hair
It is not a secret that can turn a candle hair stronger and more fertile as well as black. How easy, smash six pecan nut until smooth then fried with no oil after that give with a little water to the oily. After the candle rubbing the oil into the scalp massage.

Kayu Manis (cinamon) to Face
Although small, the pustule appearance. Use cinnamon to
removed! Mix one teaspoon cinnamon powder with three tablespoon honey. scrub this herb in the pimple before go to bed, and, with warm water wash when woke up. Do not be afraid with the sensation of heat caused cinnamon. If you do this routine, not impossible your face will be clean again.

Kunyit(turmeric) to Hand
Pollution and the sun makes the skin dull. trick it with goble up, turmeric can glowing skin. To make it, rasp turmeric,give some water and mixed then precipate for several minutes. After that, Mix with flour and rice then rub in skin.

Madu (Honey) for Footwashing
Who does not have a leg tempted soft shimmer? Honey is known to have a lot of property to realize all this.scrub the pure honey to the skin, and pat to dry up. wash and get the skin moist, soft, and lustrous.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wonderful Mask Indian recipes

Monisha Bharadwaj, the author of India's beauty secrets (Kylie Cathie, 2008), suggest these wonderful Indian recipes for fun home facials that you can whip up in a flash.

  1. Yoghurt and Lemon Mask
    This mask is ideal for Kapha types (oily skin, thick in texture with large pores; prone to breakouts). egg white is cleansing, honey is soothing and antibacterial and lemon tones skin.
    Combine 1 1/2 teaspoons honey, juice of 1/2 lemon, 3 tablespoons natural yoghurt and 1 egg white. Apply to face and neck and lie down for 15 minutes. rinse off.

  2. Hydrating Mask
    This suits dry, Vata type skin (dry, thin, sensitive skin; susceptible to dullness and wrinkles). Honey has a hydrating and humectant effect (meaning it helps to "lock" moisture into skin) and egg yolk is rich in vitamins A, D, and E and Amino acids, which boost a tired, lacklustre complexion.
    Buff off dead skin with 1 teaspoon of raw oatmeal. This reveals new, fresh skin cells that will be receptive to mousturising. Mix together 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply to face and neck and lie down for 15 minutes. Rinse off.

  3. Herbal Steam
    Indian women regularly practise facial steaming at home. It's an effective and inexpensive means of opening and cleansing the pores, so they can be emptied of oil and dirt; it's also very calming to the mind and spirit.
    Fill bowl with boiling water and add 1 teaspoon each of; grated citrus peel, tulsi powdered fennel seed, lemon balm and peppermint. Tent your head with a towel and lean over the aromatic steam, inhaling deeply. Stay hthere for 10 minutes, then rinse face with cool water.

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