Happy Hormones
Fluctuating hormones can wreak havoc on your health and happiness. The right herbs can helps you feel sharper, slimmer-even sexier. Here's what to use for premenstrual syndrome (PMS), hot flushes and hormone-related depression.
--> CHASTEBERRY (vitex agnus-castus)
Chasteberry boosts production of the hormone progesterone, and is commonly prescribed for symptoms of PMS and menopause, including irritability, breast tenderness, bloating, depression, menstrual-related acne, sweating and hor flashes. It is also used for uterine fibroid cysts and to stimulate milk production in new mums.
Dosage : 225mg 1-2 times a day. It may take several months to get the full benefits.
--> LICORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
One of the most thoroughly studied herbal remedies, licorice contains glycyrrhizin which stimulates the adrenal glansd to produce corticostiroid hormones and reduce inflammation. Licorice is rich in phytoestrogens (plant oestrogens), making it useful for menstrual problems and menopause. women with CMS may find thet taking licorice for 0 days up to their period eases symphtoms.
dosage : 200mg (standardised to contain 15% glycyrrhizin) 3 times a day.
--> RED CLOVER (trifolium pratense)
Red clover contains isoflavones that mimic the action of oestrogen and bin to oestrogen receptors in the body, creating either pro-oestrogenic or anti-eostrogenic effects, depending on how much oestrogen the body is producing. Clinical trials show red clover reduces hot flushes and other common menopausal symptoms. Unlike synthetic oestrogen, the isoflavones in red clover do not create unpleasant side effects.
dosage : take according to manufacturing instructions or as professionally prescribded.
--> BLACK COHOSH (Cimicifuga recemosa)
Traditionally, black cohosh has been prescribded to treat menstrual problems and pain after childbirth, nervous distress, and joint pain. It is an effective remedy for hot flushes, vaginal dryness and other menopausal symptoms. Black Cohosh is also prescribed for gynaecological disorders, including periods (absent, painfully, or heavy) and PMS.
dosage : 40 mg (standardised to contain 2.5% triterpenes) 1-2 times a day
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Chasteberry boosts production of the hormone progesterone, and is commonly prescribed for symptoms of PMS and menopause, including irritability, breast tenderness, bloating, depression, menstrual-related acne, sweating and hor flashes. It is also used for uterine fibroid cysts and to stimulate milk production in new mums.
Dosage : 225mg 1-2 times a day. It may take several months to get the full benefits.

One of the most thoroughly studied herbal remedies, licorice contains glycyrrhizin which stimulates the adrenal glansd to produce corticostiroid hormones and reduce inflammation. Licorice is rich in phytoestrogens (plant oestrogens), making it useful for menstrual problems and menopause. women with CMS may find thet taking licorice for 0 days up to their period eases symphtoms.
dosage : 200mg (standardised to contain 15% glycyrrhizin) 3 times a day.

Red clover contains isoflavones that mimic the action of oestrogen and bin to oestrogen receptors in the body, creating either pro-oestrogenic or anti-eostrogenic effects, depending on how much oestrogen the body is producing. Clinical trials show red clover reduces hot flushes and other common menopausal symptoms. Unlike synthetic oestrogen, the isoflavones in red clover do not create unpleasant side effects.
dosage : take according to manufacturing instructions or as professionally prescribded.

Traditionally, black cohosh has been prescribded to treat menstrual problems and pain after childbirth, nervous distress, and joint pain. It is an effective remedy for hot flushes, vaginal dryness and other menopausal symptoms. Black Cohosh is also prescribed for gynaecological disorders, including periods (absent, painfully, or heavy) and PMS.
dosage : 40 mg (standardised to contain 2.5% triterpenes) 1-2 times a day