Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Broccoli, Food Essentials diabetes

Predicate as a superfood broccoli does not need to doubt. So much research that shows how this food is rich in natural substances-substances that beneficial for health.

A latest research in the UK have the broccoli important substances that are able to restore function and improve blood vessel that is damaged due to diabetes. Researchers from the University of Warwick believes, a substance called sulforaphane, the role has a major role in restoring the blood vessel again.As published in the Journal Diabetes, sulforaphane can stimulate production of enzyme's that can protect the blood vessel and lower molecules that cause damage to cells in a significant way. Vegetable -type brassica vegetables- like broccoli is associated with the previous low risk of heart attack and stroke.

People who have a diabetes risk was greater up to five times kardiovaskuler have a contagious disease such as heart attack and stroke, which both also associated with damage to cells of blood vessel.

In research, the team from the University of Warwick, to test the influence of sulforaphane in cells of blood vessel damage due to high blood sugar (hiperglikemia), which is closely associated with diabetes.

They noted the 73 percent reduction of molecules called reactive body Oxygen Species (Ros). Hiperglikemia can cause a degree Ros increased threefold and the high molecular level this can damage body cells. Researchers also found that sulforaphane activate a similar protein in the body called nrf2, which can protect cells and tissue damage with antioxidants and how to activate enzyme's detoxification.

"Our research indicates that substances like sulforaphane in broccoli may help block the process associated with the development of blood vessel disease in diabetes. In the future, an important means for research to test whether the brassica vegetables consume will provide benefits for patients diabetik. We hope that will happen, "said research leader, Professor Paul Thornalley.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

10 Plant Magic can lower blood sugar

You have Diabetes? If your blood sugar problems, there are 10 of the following may help lower blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure and high cholesterol, and some other benefits.
1. Gymnema Sylvestre
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
General dose: 200 - 250 milligram per day. Hindi name of this plant means "not sugar", and the plant is said to have the ability to decrease the ability to detect sweet taste. This plant is considered as the most powerful plants to control sugar blood. how work is to increase the enzyme activity that helps the body cells to use glucose or stimulate insulin production. Although there is no research-intensive, but have not found any serious side effects to the use of this plant.
2. Pare (momordica charantia)
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
General dose: 50 - 100 mililiter (3-6 tbsp) of juice per day. Pare the bitter considered able to help cells use glucose more effectively muffled and sugar absorption in the usus.all researchers in the Philippines to examine the consumption pare men and women in the form of a capsule for 3 months found a decrease in blood sugar, even a little, but constant . The problems that arise are digestive problems, but it's not clear what.
3. Magnesium
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
General dose: 250 - 350 milligram per hari.lower of magnesium is not rarely found as one of the causes of diabetes, even aggravate symptoms of this condition and blood sugar resistansi insulin.a few research shows that magnesium supplements can improve insulin function and lower blood sugar.try to consultation with the your doctor before consuming insulin.
4. Cactus Prickly pear (cactus fruit meat)
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
Dose general: if consumed as food, 150 grams per day.cactus fruit stew cooked cactus is capable of lowering blood sugar in body.morphology that can be found is in the form of fruit, or juice, or powder.all researchers found that the fruit is lower blood sugar due to a component similar to insulin.this fruit is also a high fiber content.
5. Gamma-Linolenic Acid (Acid Linoleat Gamma)
Main functions: Reduce neuropathy
General dose: 270 - 540 milligrams once per day.Asam Linoleat Gamma, or GLA is a fatty acid that is found in the flower oil evening primrose.a few research shows that people with diabetes is that people have a low level of GLA in the blood, and research shows that this supplement can reduce, even prevent the nerve pain in diabetes is due to appear
6. Chromium (chrome)
Main functions: Reduce sugar
General dose: 200 mikrogram per day.
Mineral is considered to be able to improve the performance of insulin and is also involved in carbohydrate metabolism, fat and protein. Some research indicates that this mineral helps lower blood sugar, but only for those who are lack of chrome.
7. Bilberry
Main functions: Protect the eyes and nerve
General dose: 80-120 milligram standard billberry per's of blueberry extract has strong antioxidants in fruit and on his leaf.Antioksidan named antosianidin this, to help prevent damage to small blood cells that can damage the nerve and the eye retina. Research on animals shows a decrease in blood sugar due to the consumption of fruit
8. Alpha-Lipoic Acid (Acid Alpha Lopoic)
Main functions: Reduce nerve pain, and lower blood sugar
General dose: 600-800 milligram per hari.
Abbreviated ALA, vitamin-like substance that is different neutralize free radicals. The formation of free radicals is one of the factors increasing blood sugar, can damage nerves and create many problems.ALA also able to help muscle cells absorb blood sugar. In one study in Germany, a group of researchers check up 40 adults who consume ALA the end of the 4-week study, ALA was found that increase insulin sensitivity as much as 27 percent.
9. Fenugreek
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
General dose: 5 to 30 grams every meal, or 15 to 90 gr per day.this seeds is used as cooking spices India too is capable of lowering blood pressure, improving insulin sensitivity, and lower cholesterol, according to some research.Efek this may arise because high degree fiber.the seeds also contain amino acids that increase production the end of the research on fenugreek, 60 people consume 25 gr flavor of this increase is good to control blood sugar.
10. Ginseng
Main functions: Lower blood sugar
General dose: 1-3 grams per day in capsule or tablet form of .3-5 mililiter in the form of tincture 3 times a day. known as the ability to encourage the body's immune system, ginseng has some positive results on diabetes.all researchers found that ginseng slows carbohydrate absorption, increase in the ability of cells to absorb glucose, and increase insulin release from the pancreas.
find also in Toronto in a research that ginseng is able to decrease the sugar to 15-20 percent.

Harmless natural supplements you have tried, but it's good to consult your doctor before consume

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

aloevera: Treat Diabetes and Heart Attacks

In addition to enrich the hair, aloe vera is also known to treat a number of nutritious disease.Among them diabetes melitus and heart attack.Aloevera plant is one of the drugs that cure a variety of nutritious disease.this Crops nation has been used around the year 1875 Samaria SM.a ancient nation of Egypt property are aloe vera as a medicine about 1500 years BC. Thanks to the property, ancient Egyptian society as a plant called immortality.a botanian traditional medicine have a nation Greek Dioscordes named, said that aloe vera can treat various diseases. For example, ulcer, skin bruised, broken, broken, scratched, hair fall, hemorrhoids, and inflammation throat.In reports Fujio L. Panggabean, a researcher and observer plant medicine,said that aloe vera is not magical because the plant has enough nutrition contents of the human body. Results of other studies indicate that aloe vera is a carbohydrate component most after water, which donated a number of calories as a source of energy.
Health Food
According to one observer health food (supplement), Dr. Freddy Wilmana, MFPM, Sp.FK, from about 200 types of aloe vera plant, which is used for both types of treatment are Aloevera Barbadensis Miller. This type of aloevera contains 72 substances that are required by between oxygen-72 to the required body, there is 18 kinds of amino acids,carbohydrate, fat, water, vitamins, minerals, enzyme, hormone, and the drug substance. Among other antibiotics, antiseptic, anti bakteri, anti cancer, anti-virus, anti-fungus, anti-infection, anti-inflammation, anti-swelling, anti-Parkinson, anti aterosklerosis, and anti virus is resistant to antibiotik.considering the uterus is complete, according to Dr aloe vera . Freddy useful not only to maintain health, but also the various diseases. "For example, aloe vera is also able to lower blood sugar in diabetes is not insulin dependent. Within ten days the blood sugar to normal, "he said.
Contains antioxidants
According to Dr. Freddy, some mineral elements contained in the aloe vera also works as a framer antioksi and natural. For example, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. "Even the results of research conducted by scientists of origin United States said that in Aloevera barbadensis Miller, there are several substances that can function as antioxidants," he said. Antioxidants that help to prevent increases in age more quickly, heart attack, and some degeneratif disease.
Aloe vera is to stimulate new cell growth on the skin. Mucus in the aloe vera lignin substances that are able to penetrate and permeate the skin.
This will keep mucus fluid loss from the body surface of the skin. Result, the skin does not dry quickly and look younger.Instead hemorrhoids, aloe vera can be overcome swelling in the knee joints, cough, and wound.aloevera also help overcome constipation or difficult to defecate because the mucus is bitter and contains laktasit, so it is a good laxative. So far, according to Dr. Freddy, research has not found the use of side effects aloevera. If there is a problem, it is only a reaction to those who have never consume aloe vera. "But, far from the patient that I consume supplements based on aloe vera, a reaction that is shown is because the power of the medicine against the disease, ".moreover, to remember, according to Dr. Freddy, the nature of the plant aloe vera is almost similar to the apple fruit is bitten when out directly nutbrown. Indeed, it can be a sign of aloe vera have been oxidation, so that some substances that
contained be damaged. "Indeed, not all elements of damage, but who would only get the dregs? Therefore, it is immediately consumption herb aloe vera, either make the necessary prepara or that have been processed, in order to feel more useful," he added.
Herb aloevera
Sore throat :
1 aloe vera leaves to be washed and peeled. Its cut a slice or
becoming juice. Add 1 spoon pure honey. drink 3 times a day.
piles :
Half stem leaf aloe vera thorns removed, washed, and shredded. Give a half glass of hot water, then filtered from the pulp. Add 2 spoons honey. In the warm, drink 3 times a day.
Diabetes melitus :
Stem 2 aloe vera leaves, washed, prickly removed, cut a slice.Boiled with 3 glasses of water, then filtered. Drink 3 times a day after meals, their each half-glass.
lower blood sugar :
1 aloe vera size approximately with the size of palm
cleaned from skin and prickly. keep on about 30 minutes in water salt. crumple up then Rinse briefly under the water fountain. Boiled with 3 glasses of water to boil. cooler. Drink as much as half cup, 2 to 3 times day.
Fertilizer hair:
2 stem aloe vera washed and peeled. The contents scrubb on the skin head that has been cleaned with the shampoo in the afternoon. Wrapped with cloth. and Next day
hair rinsed. Make every day for 3 months.
20 g aloe vera leaves to be washed, peeled, cut a slice. Give 2 spoons eat pure honey. drinks two times a day. Repeat for 10 days.

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