Turmeric, the Alzheimer's Disease
Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Vahl.) Which is a native plant of Southeast Asia, including the types of spices and medicinal plants. Almost every Asian nations generally have this spice plants consume, both as a culinary spice supplement, or herbal medicine to maintain health and beauty.
This plant grows upright to reach high 1.0 - 1.5 m. Have cast a rod in the convolution by leaves stem. Spiny plant leaves and slippery with about 30 cm long and 8 cm wide.
Flowers appear from the pseudo-stem with length around 10 - 15 cm. Color white flowers green or white ribbed edge and sometimes pink flowers. The major part of the plant is rhizome that is in the land. Rhizome usually grow this vine and rhizome parent usually shaped ellips.Gynecology plant turmeric
In the turmeric plant are kurkuminoid compound consisting of kurkumin, desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin and other benefits, such as mnyak asiri / volatil oil, fat, carbohydrate, protein, starch, vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, and calcium.
The disease can be treated:
turmeric can treat various diseases such as diabetes melitus, Tifus, caecum, dysentery, leucorrhoea, Hapa is not smooth, heartburn when stomach cramps, tonsil and reinforce breastfeeding.
Not only that, turmeric was also the Alzheimer's Disease, which is a kind of senile diseases that commonly occur in people who began to enter the old age where the physical conditions the brain begin to decrease. However, the condition can be slowed with consume turmeric in the form of curry spices.
Results conclude that the researchers reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology Issue 1 November 2006, states that the curry spice is a potential to prevent Alzheimer's Disease because the views of efficacy and not toxic. This is the first evidence that shows the relation between the consumption of curry with the cognitive ability of the brain.
Confidential drug potency turmeric as Alzheimer's Disease, is located in the yellow coloring matter (kurkumin) that there is in rhizome turmeric used in curry spices to make it. Kurkumin in turmeric has a very important function in various types of diseases treated as compound can function as anti-tumor promoter, antioxidants, anti-microbe, anti-inflammation and anti virus. In addition kurkumin in turmeric that also play a role in increasing the body's immunity system.
Please note:
Although routine consume curry spice, may lower the risk of Alzheimer's Disease, but the excessive use of the information age can cause ill effects stomach, liver or kidney trouble
This plant grows upright to reach high 1.0 - 1.5 m. Have cast a rod in the convolution by leaves stem. Spiny plant leaves and slippery with about 30 cm long and 8 cm wide.
Flowers appear from the pseudo-stem with length around 10 - 15 cm. Color white flowers green or white ribbed edge and sometimes pink flowers. The major part of the plant is rhizome that is in the land. Rhizome usually grow this vine and rhizome parent usually shaped ellips.Gynecology plant turmeric
In the turmeric plant are kurkuminoid compound consisting of kurkumin, desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin and other benefits, such as mnyak asiri / volatil oil, fat, carbohydrate, protein, starch, vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, and calcium.
The disease can be treated:
turmeric can treat various diseases such as diabetes melitus, Tifus, caecum, dysentery, leucorrhoea, Hapa is not smooth, heartburn when stomach cramps, tonsil and reinforce breastfeeding.
Not only that, turmeric was also the Alzheimer's Disease, which is a kind of senile diseases that commonly occur in people who began to enter the old age where the physical conditions the brain begin to decrease. However, the condition can be slowed with consume turmeric in the form of curry spices.
Results conclude that the researchers reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology Issue 1 November 2006, states that the curry spice is a potential to prevent Alzheimer's Disease because the views of efficacy and not toxic. This is the first evidence that shows the relation between the consumption of curry with the cognitive ability of the brain.
Confidential drug potency turmeric as Alzheimer's Disease, is located in the yellow coloring matter (kurkumin) that there is in rhizome turmeric used in curry spices to make it. Kurkumin in turmeric has a very important function in various types of diseases treated as compound can function as anti-tumor promoter, antioxidants, anti-microbe, anti-inflammation and anti virus. In addition kurkumin in turmeric that also play a role in increasing the body's immunity system.
Please note:
Although routine consume curry spice, may lower the risk of Alzheimer's Disease, but the excessive use of the information age can cause ill effects stomach, liver or kidney trouble
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