Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Improve Life For Heart Health

Human behavior was very influential in preventing the occurrence of disease. Included in heart disease, which in Indonesia is now ranked the first position disease as a cause of death.

In 1998, just based on Household Health Survey (SKRT) disease that the disease is classified in the circulation system to reach this number is 24.4 percent, up from 1985, amounting to 5.9 percent. Figures should be reason enough for us to quickly change the behavior, especially patterns of life and ability to eat well.
"Heart disease triggered by two factors, ie factors that can not be avoided and the factors that can be avoided. Factors that can not be avoided, for example because of age and older the offspring, while the factors that can be avoided is associated with a lifestyle, for example, less exercise. In Indonesia, people who exercise continuously only 9 percent of the overall total, the data from the WHO indicate that 43 percent of disease in the world because one of them, the lack of movement, "said H. Masino, MSD, Executive Secretary Indonesian Heart Foundation.
Often neglected

In fact already become common knowledge and is not subject to that sport can maintain heart health. However, the limited time and facilities to be cliche reasons why people are reluctant to perform the activity.
"Limited facilities are a challenge for us to still encourage sports. For example, the school does not have any sports field, walking on the street is also not safe to be jogging, so we would not want to find the way that people can still exercise, for example, with the jump rope that does not require the time or space that is too broad, "Masino said.

In general, someone who is less active, have a risk two to three times more likely to suffer heart attack than people who do sport and active on a regular basis. Exercise regularly to strengthen the heart muscle and improve the circulatory system in addition to reducing obesity.
Highly recommended way to do quick 30 minutes each day and most do not do any sports in the form of three times a week with intensity up to a half hour. This is to help health than just to spend time only in front of the television. It can also, when trying to return to office, do not Care for themselves with increased lift. Choose the way that more fishing sweat secretion, such as using stair.

Stress the sustained heart rate and makes blood pressure increase. This certainly makes the heart work more weight and will ultimately increase the risk of heart disease. Behavior of the self in a hurry, quick-tempered and too pro ambition by some people can trigger the occurrence of disease.
In certain limits to be symptoms of stress are normal, even if it can be managed well this can be a positive thing in the development of the human self. Although each person really has a different stress in the face, but basically never leave the stress sustained in a self that can disrupt the physical conditions, wherever possible avoid or face the wise.

Do not store or bury anger feeling disappointed. discussing feelings with the press of other people's trust, or family doctor. Worry or remember the mistakes of the past will only make a self-stress increases, therefore take some time for recreation with family or friends close to you.

Similarly with smoking, although we realize is a bad habit, but most smokers just do not want to eliminate this habit. But for a heavy smoker, the risk of sudden death five times greater than those who do not smoke at all. A small amount of nicotine in cigarettes is a poison for the body. That nicotine be merged in each whiff smoking is not death, but still dangerous because the heart can lead to stiffening and carotid and disrupt the heart rhythm.

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Getting Sugar Out of Your Diet

  • Eat breakfast with protein. Witin 30 minutes of waking, have meal with at least ten grams of protein to stabilize your blood sugar. Scrmbled eggs or tofu, nutbutters, and veggie sausage patties are all good options
  • Keep a journal. Note everything you eat to help you become aware of how much sugar you are eating and when craving occur. You'll be less likely to slip into unconscious sugar consumption.
  • Stop snacking. Eat three meals a day, on schedule and with protein. You cxan still have small amounts of sugar of all types (even desserts) but only with youer meals. Eating a full meal helps slow sugar delivery.
  • Take these supplements. To optimize your body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates, take vitamin B complex (50mg), vitamin C (500mg), and zinc(15mg).
  • Eat a potato everynight. Although fairly high on the glycemic index, potatoes can combat mood swings and sugar craving, says DesMaisons. Eating a whole one at night creates an insulin response thet delivers the amino acid tryptophan ( a precursor to serotonin) to the brain.
  • Switch to brown foods. sneak high-fiber whole grains into your diet - eat whole wheat instead of white bread, brown rice not white - to help stabilize blood sugar.
  • Cut down on sugar. Avoid all refined and sweetened foods such as cereals, candy, packaged cookies, and pre-sweetened beverages. Cut out sweet fruits (bananas, kiwi, apples) and eat less-sweet fruits like berries, instead

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