Health Care with the date palm fruit

In addition to health care for the sport with regular consumption should also be accompanied by healthy eating, making it easier for health care in treating.
healthy food in addition to health care for can also be used to help cure diseases that we of the healthy food that is health care with date palm fruit.
According to nutrition experts IPB, Dr Hardinsyah MS, Director of Clinical Nutrition Consultation Diet Club and IPB, palm fruit contains vitamin a nearly complete with a balanced composition, although in a number of less well.
Fresh dates (dates Wet):
Fresh dates contain content that vitamin water and more energy but low womb ready life. Gynecology in the palm sugar is easily digested by the body.
Many of the benefits of wet dates, among others, can control the pace womb movement, add the systole (contraction when the heart pumped blood to the carotid), prevent the bleeding occurs in women during the birth process and accelerate the return position of the womb as usual time before the next pregnancy. This is because in the fresh dates that are hormone-like hormone oxytocine that can help the process of birth.
Dried dates
Dates that are not fresh (dry) high energy womb womb ready but some vitamin water and a lower, even the actual vitamin C is lost. Dried dates work to strengthen the intestinal cells and can help expedite ureter because it contains fiber-fiber control the rate of duty bowel movement and strengthen the womb, especially when giving birth.
Gynecology dates
Date palm fruit generally contains the following substances Sugar (a mixture of glucose, sukrosa, and fruktosa), protein, fat, fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, potasium, calcium, iron, chlorine, copper, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, and some enzyme.
Benefits :
For food:
In addition to direct consumption, dried, also used as an additive in bread, chocolate, cereals, sweet light, and others.
1. Date palm fruit can prevent stroke.
2. Palm fruits contain vitamin A is good where he can keep the humidity and the carefulness in work, strengthen the vision, bone growth, fat metabolism, immunity against infection, health, skin and calms the nerve cells.
3. Boiled palm fruit that can facilitate the ureter.
4. Palm fruit, either dry or wet can calm nerve cells through the influence of the thyroid. Therefore, the doctors recommend to some date palm fruit in the morning to the children and the elderly, to better the condition of the soul.
5. Dates contain high potasium. Potasium useful for controlling blood pressure, high blood for the therapy, and clean the carbon dioxide in the blood. Potasium also useful for working muscles and trigger a nerve.
6. Consume 100 grams of dates, can lower blood cholesterol level with the hinder absorption of fat or cholesterol in the intestine so that the level of cholesterol in the blood decreased.
7. Various minerals are helpful to optimize the dates uterus electrolyte in body fluids.
8. Contains a high tannin substances that can be used for anti-diarrhea, anti-hemostatis, and anti-hemoroid
9. Medicine flu, sore throat.
10. The drunk.
11. Thrombosit increase in dengue fever patients.
Tips for People with dengue fever:
To have a positive DBD infected, you can treat made with palm juice.
Take 500 grams of dates, remove seeds, and grinding with 5 cup water until soft. Give drink to the patient each hour, up a glass.