Showing posts with label Fruits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fruits. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Health Care with the date palm fruit

In addition to health care for the sport with regular consumption should also be accompanied by healthy eating, making it easier for health care in treating.

healthy food in addition to health care for can also be used to help cure diseases that we of the healthy food that is health care with date palm fruit.

According to nutrition experts IPB, Dr Hardinsyah MS, Director of Clinical Nutrition Consultation Diet Club and IPB, palm fruit contains vitamin a nearly complete with a balanced composition, although in a number of less well.

Fresh dates (dates Wet):
Fresh dates contain content that vitamin water and more energy but low womb ready life. Gynecology in the palm sugar is easily digested by the body.

Many of the benefits of wet dates, among others, can control the pace womb movement, add the systole (contraction when the heart pumped blood to the carotid), prevent the bleeding occurs in women during the birth process and accelerate the return position of the womb as usual time before the next pregnancy. This is because in the fresh dates that are hormone-like hormone oxytocine that can help the process of birth.

Dried dates
Dates that are not fresh (dry) high energy womb womb ready but some vitamin water and a lower, even the actual vitamin C is lost. Dried dates work to strengthen the intestinal cells and can help expedite ureter because it contains fiber-fiber control the rate of duty bowel movement and strengthen the womb, especially when giving birth.

Gynecology dates
Date palm fruit generally contains the following substances Sugar (a mixture of glucose, sukrosa, and fruktosa), protein, fat, fiber, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, potasium, calcium, iron, chlorine, copper, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, and some enzyme.

Benefits :
For food:
In addition to direct consumption, dried, also used as an additive in bread, chocolate, cereals, sweet light, and others.

1. Date palm fruit can prevent stroke.
2. Palm fruits contain vitamin A is good where he can keep the humidity and the carefulness in work, strengthen the vision, bone growth, fat metabolism, immunity against infection, health, skin and calms the nerve cells.
3. Boiled palm fruit that can facilitate the ureter.
4. Palm fruit, either dry or wet can calm nerve cells through the influence of the thyroid. Therefore, the doctors recommend to some date palm fruit in the morning to the children and the elderly, to better the condition of the soul.
5. Dates contain high potasium. Potasium useful for controlling blood pressure, high blood for the therapy, and clean the carbon dioxide in the blood. Potasium also useful for working muscles and trigger a nerve.
6. Consume 100 grams of dates, can lower blood cholesterol level with the hinder absorption of fat or cholesterol in the intestine so that the level of cholesterol in the blood decreased.
7. Various minerals are helpful to optimize the dates uterus electrolyte in body fluids.
8. Contains a high tannin substances that can be used for anti-diarrhea, anti-hemostatis, and anti-hemoroid
9. Medicine flu, sore throat.
10. The drunk.
11. Thrombosit increase in dengue fever patients.

Tips for People with dengue fever:
To have a positive DBD infected, you can treat made with palm juice.
Take 500 grams of dates, remove seeds, and grinding with 5 cup water until soft. Give drink to the patient each hour, up a glass.

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Monday, May 4, 2009

All the good of Banana

Who does not recognize this plant? In addition to delicious eaten as fresh fruit, banana can also be processed into a variety of delicious light meal, such as bananas or fried compote.

Plants that have a latin name of Moses Paradisiaca.L come from Southeast Asia, India and Brazil. Habitat for native plants semusim this is a tropical forest, although it can also grow on fertile lowland and high.

Bananas have a womb that is high enough nutrients and is rich in minerals, such as carbohydrate, protein, calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, magnesium and fiber.

Carbohydrate in the banana fruit is a complex carbohydrate that provides energy that the body absorbed more quickly than the bread, rice and biscuits.

Bananas also contain sugar or fruit fruktosa that have low index gilkemik and good for the brain activity. Reduction in glucose for the brain affects the mind power.

Gynecology Vitamin B6 or piridoksin on bananas is relatively higher than other fruits. This vitamin functions as a co-enzyme in the reaction of protein metabolism, especially serotonin. These substances play an active role as a neurotransmitter and serves to reinforce the brain function.

In addition to the actual nutrition, bananas also contain a high fiber. Fiber is able to prevent the occurrence of alimentary tract cancer and may feel satisfied longer so good for your consumption in the current diet

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

All the good of red pomegranate fruit

In Indonesia, the red pomegranate fruit is often planted in yards as a house plant ornamental, and fruit to eat. For Chinese people, the fruit is a pomegranate fruit in the compulsory New Year Imlek. They believe that many the seeds is the symbol of the abundant food. All part of this plant can be used for health care. Fruit itself contains substance that make healthy and able to prevent all kinds of diseases.

Gargle pomegranate juice before drinking to help clean the mouth and teeth, and so help prevent the infection of the mouth that does not smell scrumptious. eat slowly with the pomegranate fruit and the seeds can clarify the raspy voice and avoid dry throat. Other benefits, the actual substance tanin in pomegranate fruit can anesthetize roundworms, pinworm and tapeworm in the intestine so that they can be issued through the feces. This is usually used by residents of Egypt and Vietnam.

Benefits of pomegranate can be obtained in various ways. You can get it in the form of juice or can eat the seeds, syrup, pasta or pomegranate concentrate. Traditionally, the fruit pomegranate normally used to clean the skin and reduce inflammation on the skin. Pomegranate fruit juice can also reduce the suffering laryngitis. According to research done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the pomegranate fruit is rich in antioxidants can prevent oxidation LDL or bad cholesterol in the body.

Pomegranate contain antioxidants, antiviral and anti-tumor material. Not only that, the fruit has many seeds are also rich in Vitamin A, C and E and folic acid. Even the womb antioxidants in pomegranate fruit three times the amount more than the wine or green.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Juice for Health and Benefits

Since thousands of years ago people were using a variety of vegetation that is now known as the vegetable
and fruits to be eaten and processed naturally without using any mix.
Fruits and vegetables have a delicious, eaten fresh, in addition to the womb have a lot of nutrient substances such as vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin A work to maintain eye health, the structure of skin, hair, and teeth. On the vegetable food vitamin A can
obtained from leaf vegetables such as dark green spinach, katuk, fruit or vegetables and yellow / orange.

such as carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, papaya, mango, etc.. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin E is able to prevent the occurrence of heart disease,cancer, stroke, infection and viruses. Vitamin E found in many green leaved vegetables (spinach) and tomatoes. Vitamin C functions as antioxidants, gum health, and prevent the occurrence of bruise. In fruits there are lots of vitamin C in guava, citrus, tomatoes,mango and sirsak.
From the research that was done showed a lot of fruits and vegetables in addition to the full vitamin and mineral also contains non-nutrient substances that proved most beneficial for health. Non-nutrient substances are fiber, phytokimia, and others.From the research that was done that revealed phytokimia can neutralize toxic substances and drugs with a street karsinogen neutralize radical free, preventing the enzyme karsinogen the same time stimulate the enzyme karsinogen neutralize substances.

Fruits and vegetables that contain phytokimia including spinach, kangkung, broccoli, mustard greens, beans, tomatoes, papaya, grape, orange,carrots, and others.

The fruit is usually consumed fresh. Processed vegetables cooked in a way with a little water(pan) and a dish with the sauce such as soup. Another way that made many of late, namely in the form of juice.

For the busy, buy a juice stall in the food and drink more practical when compared to create your own at home. However, when
be more, to make juice does not need special skills to make the process very simple. Combination of various kinds of fruit and vegetable juice to make it more interesting.

juice compared with the more profitable eat fruit pieces. Consume the juice, can be relatively Feed more so benefits are greater

Submitted the following tips to prepare the juice:
• For selected fruit juice should be fresh, not cooked long and saved to get that tasty juice and beneficial for the body.
• juice should be drunk as soon as possible after so, before the water soluble vitamin contents damaged by oxygen, light or heat.
• To sweetener should use honey or brown sugar.
• Color of fruit juice to be more bright and does not change color when mixed with a little lemon or lime juice nipis.
Next recipe-recipe fruit juice and vegetables for good health:

Manggo juice
Savor: medicine asthma, bronchitis, shortness of breath, weight and influenza
Ingredients: 200 g ripe mango tree
100 g warm water
? tbsp lemon
2 tbsp honey
How to create:
All materials included in the blender
Teraphy: drink 2 times a day until symptoms of the disease missing

Carrot celery juice
peculiarity: lower blood pressure and blood sugar
Ingredients: 300 g carrot
1 handful celery leaves (± 3 tbsp)
2 cloves garlic
? tsp salt
? tsp pepper powder
How to create:
All materials are mixed and put in the Juicer. Taken only the essence course using the fiber ekstractlor juice or filter.
Teraphy: drunk 1 time a day until symptoms of the disease missing

The combination of fruit juice
Savor: smooth digestion, constipation, stomach and puffed up
Ingredients: 100 g papaya
100 g apples
100 g pineapple
2 tbsp lemon
2 tbsp honey
200 cc of water ice
How to create:
All materials included in the Juicer
Teraphy: drunk before breakfast

juice vegetable's
Savor: perfect allergy, eczema, back pain, feeling of angina pectoris, and maintain intestinal health.
Ingredients: 150 g carrot
100 g spinach
100 g cucumber
50 g celery
3 tbsp honey
1 tbsp of lemon
100 cc cold water or ice
How to create:
All materials included in the Juicer
Terapi: drunk 1 time a day after meals.

Any juice if you drink fruit juice or vegetable juice will be very useful to health care.evenless when you get one for drinking juice regularly then the condition of your body would be more awake, care health will be very beneficial if you also drink a healthy care for your body

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The various ingredients of SARS

The world was in panic due to unusual outbreaks of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) merebak since November 2002 in Guangdong, China. Acute respiratory disease caused by a kind of influenza virus is not susceptible treated with common antibiotics. However, this virus can be by others with enough rest and sports, and some of the plants consume the following drugs.
A pair of husband and wife in Hong Kong be affected by this vicious disease flu. Husband transmit the virus to his wife because he was sick for his wife accompanied the remains to them. Although the same is SARS, the wife quickly recover, while her husband still grapple with the disease that has been around a hundred lives grasp this.

The wife quickly recover because it has a good body immunity,? said Dr. Amin Soebandrio, PhD, Cm, Microbiologist, Assistant Deputy Minister RISTEK for Medical Sciences and Health. A good body immunity, approved by himself, so how can the early prevention of the disease. Of course in addition to avoid physical contact with people who have a disease.According to him, increase the body's immune is not difficult. Do with adequate rest, exercise regularly, and consume foods with balanced nutrition, especially the type of increase the body's immune. Dr. So do not forget to suggest that consuming foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

SARS disease have killed many people, if we want to avoid disease and care health is one of the way.but,when we are still exposed to the disease will also have some herbal medicine that we can use to improve immun :

1. Meniran

This plant is traditionally trusted to cure disease and inflammation, among others, kidney stones, so dispose of urine, dysentery, sore epilepsy, hepatitis, and rheumatism. Mi chemical plant substances that have been diketahul among others filantin, hipofilantin, potassium, resin, and tannin

the latest research about Meniran reveals that this plant can help prevent the infection of various viruses and bacteria and stimulate the body's immune system. This plant has been examined and manufactured into tablets that increase the body's resistance. Products have been tested in clinical preklinis and for three years.

Dr. Zakiudin Munasir, Sp.AK, immunological ahil Pediatrics Section of Children's Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, has been conducting research and prove that meniran extracts help to increase speed of the decline in the patient's fever of child respiratory infections over the channel.

How to use:

This is suggested by Dr. Suprapto Ma? At the University of Airlangga who also tested the plant extract meniran in an effort to increase body resistance. Take a handheld leaf meniran consisting of root, stem, and leaves. destroyed until smooth. And then boiled together with two glasses of clean water. Wait until half a glass. Drink once a day.

2. Black cumin

In addition meniran, black cumin can also be used as a natural way to increase body resistance. "The Arabs have a hereditary utilize black cumin to increase body resistance," said Dr. Suprapto. Unlike the meniran, this plant has not been tested in clinical

How to use:

Prepare one tablespoon of black caraway. bray until the skin becomes broken. After the boiled water with two glasses. Wait until the water is stew into half a glass left. Drink every day to increase body resistance.

3. Mengkudu

Which is also known by the name of NONI or the PACE has long been known as a medicine to increase body resistance. Up to now, research on the poor form continues to be carried out this intensive.

Research by Dr. Paul Heinike in the early 20th century revealed that plants contain this enzyme proxeronase and alkaloid proxeronine. Both substances will be formed called xeronine active substances in the body. This substance will be the flow of blood to the body's cells. Result, the cells will be more active, healthy, and there repair the structure and function.

How to use:

Endah Lasmadiwati, experts from the Garden of medicinal plants Sringanis, Bogor, recommend the following recipes to enjoy the fruits mengkudu. Prepare two mengkudu that are old. Wash clean and store for two hours until very soft. After that crumpled up in two glasses of water. Filter and spend . Meanwhile, prepare one finger and two finger turmeric ginger. roasted and contused. Take one finger and cinnamon sereh and seven cardamom fruit and clove. The material is boiled in two glasses of water. Wait until boiling and smell fragrant. Mix the water with a stew of mengkudu fruit that has been filtered. Add a sufficient little salt and palm sugar.

4. aloevera

Dr. Suprapto suggest that consumption of aloe vera body more fit and fresh. This plant is also useful to maintain the stamina of the sudab old and sick easily. Endah also revealed that aloe vera helpful to alleviate the disease coughs and bronchitis.

How to use:

Prepare half a palm aloe vera. Wash clean and peeled. Add 3/4 glass of water. Blender water with aloe vera gel is. Add sufficient honey.

5. Apple

This fruit contains vitamin C which are antioxidants and enhance immune function. Konowalchuck J. in 1978 published an article entitled "Antiviral Effect of Apple Beverages". He said that cider is very good drink for a variety of attacks against virus infection. According to the book" Natural remedies", Dose apples can protect the body from the virus is three times a day or one glass of apple juice.

6. Papaya

This tropical fruit is a source betakaroten good, so is able to prevent cell damage caused by oxygen free radicals. Half the size of papaya fruit a day is being able to meet the daily needs of vitamin C a human adult. Not only that, papaya also contain a little calcium and iron. Fruit is highly recommended for the sick and elderly because the meat easily chewed and swallowed.

7. Strawberry

This fruit contains vitamin C among the most high and most of all give fruit. Traditionally, strawberry is used to clean the digestive system food. Fruit is also useful to help absorption of iron from vegetables consumed.

8. Guava

Cashew guava 90 grams, according to the book "Foods that Harm Foods that Heal", vitamin C appeared to contain five times more than the orange. Guava fruit when it is consumed every day can meet the needs of adults daily vitamin, so it can maintain the health and fitness.

9. Orange

Vitamin C is often identified with the citrus fruit. This fruit contains vitamin C is useful for maintaining the body's defense against infection from bacteria and viruses. Gynecology antioxidants in citrus able to prevent damage due to oxygen free radicals. Antioxidants found in this membrane between the segments in the fruit flesh. To obtain optimum benefit from this fruit, you should eat fresh fruit rather than drink jusnya.

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Friday, April 17, 2009

All the good Of cucumber for health

cucumber that have a scientific name Cucumis sativus in has long been known as complementary food: be eaten raw, made pickle, or fresh beverages.

cucumberthat have a scientific name Cucumis sativus, contains 0.65 per cent protein, 0.1 percent fat and 2.2 per cent carbohydrate. Honeysuckle fruit also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, fosforus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. Cucumber seeds themselves contain toxic alkoloid type hipoxanti, which works to treat worms.
*Acne :
Washed cucumber fruit then cut a slice. that pieces rubbed on the scrub-pimpled skin. Make every day.
*Flek former black blotch:
Take the tip of the fruit along cucumber approximately 5 cm, and rasp. Take turmeric of thumb,crushed and take the water. Water is mixed in turmeric cucumber that is already shredded. Then rub in to face. Make every day until flek disappeared. Or, you can use a home-made spray toner. How, one mentimun shredded that has been peeled. Capture and filter water, Mix with two tsp honey. Then enter it into the mixture that has a bottle splasher. spray to face twice a day.
* Pain Management throat:
A few seeds cucumber Mix with a little salt. Then add water. Use the mixture to gargle.
Be drunk or consumed
*High blood pressure.
2 cucumber fresh fruits washed clean then shredded. Results grated and strained, and drunk all at once. Perform 2-3 times a day.
*cold of sore:
Each day eat the fruit of cucumber fruit 9. Do routinely.
*Clearing the kidney:
shredded fresh cucumber then washed.Results the grated and filtered. Drink water little by little until the stomach to receive the liquid cucumber.
Take cufficient cucumber, washed clean, and then shredded. Results grater placed on the stomach.
*Hapa not regular.
Grinding 10 sheets fine leaf cocor duck, 5 finger water pumpkin, 5 fruits majakan, 1 fruit cucumber, 10 dadap srep leaf sheets, 10 sheets sambaing colok leaves, add sufficient salt water. Then rub in to the stomach, and dressing. Perform twice a day.
* As a fresher mouth. After brush teeth, eat a few slices of cucumber. Your breath will feel fresh.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

special quality star fruit

Star fruit (Averrhoa pentandra) with a wide variety of property to cure various diseases, such as:
Parotitis :
Take 10 young branches following star fruit leaves and 4 red onion grains. Wash clean smooth then crushed. rub inn to place the sick.
a. Take a sufficient fruit star fruit, wash and finely crush,crumple up with salt water as necessary. Use to rub a pimpled face. Perform 3 times a day.
b. Take 6 pieces wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) and star fruit 1/2 tsp powdered sulfur, fine grinding then crumpke up with 2 tablespoon lime juice. Use to rub a pimpled face. Perform 2-3 times a day.
pitiriasis versikolor:
Take the 10 fruit star fruit, washed ago grinding finely, add the whiting of tamarind seeds, diremas until flat. This herb is used to polish the skin fell ill. Do 2 times a day
Meanwhile, for the use in as drunk, needed a special way.
Take a handful flower star fruit, some grains fennel, add sufficient sugar and 1 cup water.boiled all materials for several hours, lift, and coller. Filter and drink two times, morning and night when stomach is empty.
Or, take 25 flower bud star fruit, finger rimpang temu 1 bell, 1 cinnamon bark finger, 1 finger rimpang kencur, 2 grains of red onion, 1/4 hold pegagan, 1/4 handheld saga leaves, 1/4 hold the leaves inggu , 1/4 hold the spoon leaves, washed and cut a slice as necessary, boiled with 5 glass of water to remaining 2 1/4 cup. After a cold, filtered water stew, add a little honey. Drink 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup.
Whooping cough:
Take the 10 fruit star fruit, washed then crushed until smooth, and then crumple up with 2 tablespoon of salt water, then filtered. Drink 2 times a day.
Sariawan (stomatitis aphtosa):
a. Take a handful flower star fruit, add sufficient palm sugar and 1 cup water boiled until thick. After filtered cold, use to clean and lubricate the mouth.
b. Take 2/3 interest handheld star fruit, boiled ago washed with 3 clean water glass until remaining 2 1/4 cup. After the cold filtered, and drink 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup.
c. Take 3 pieces star fruit, red onion 3 clove, nutmeg 1 young, 10 pieces of sprue leaves, 3/4 teaspoon fennel, 3/4 finger pulosari, washed then crushed until smooth,crumple up with 3 tablespoon coconut oil, filtered then crumple up. Used to lubricate injured due sariawan(stomatitis aphtosa),6-7 times a day

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wine treat ruga

The emergence of contraction over the age of the bulge can not be avoided, but of course can still be slowed. One natural way so that no face is the rapid contraction perch is with green grape without seeds. This type of wine have a womb that always made one of the important substances in anti wrinkle creams circulating in the market
Easy way:

1. Cut the fruit into 2 parts wine.
2. rub snippet (with the fleshy face in contact with the skin) on the face and neck.
3. Make sure the area to start wrinkle appeared not pull over.
4. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
5. Rinse with warm water until clean, then blow-dry.

Do it regularly every day, after the face clean. Do not forget to drink 8 glasses of white water a day, eating vegetables rich in vitamin A such as carrots, celery and spinach, and try to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

7 Benefits of Carrot for Health and Beauty

Among other types of vegetables, it's carrot-taste, including the type of vegetables in the most like's.the taste is sweet and intricate texture. Matches once made a healthful snack. If you're not so fond favorite vegetables, you include a group of lossy. Because, you lose a lot of benefits that are provided for the health carrot. Want to hold lossy? Of course not. Head start vegetables like this one.

Now, to obtain the maximum benefits of carrot that must be considered is choosing carrot jelly. Select a color carrot rather young and bright. This indicates that the carrot is still young and fresh.Here is a line of carrot benefit you need to know. Who knows there is a prescription you need.
The hypertension:
Take 500 gr carrot wash clean and cut into pieces, give a little water, and making juice. Filter and drink immediately. Try to drink water routine carrot this 3 times a day.

The fever in children:
Take 200 gr carrot and then wash clean. rasp and squeeze up and and take out the essence. boiled that distillation water, drink while warm.

To burn:
crushed the carrot to be smeared on the smooth and burns. Perform as often as possible until the injury does not feel hot.

Cough cure:
Take a carrot a and clean seam. Give some spoons and hot water then filters. Add a little palm sugar, poke up the average. Drink 2 times a day.

Overcoming painful menstruation:
250 gr carrot washing ago clean out and cut by pieces. Add a little water, and making juice. Try to drink this concoction for at least 2 times a day.

Overcoming constipation:
Take 2 young carrots ago wash and clean seam. Add 2 tablespoon water and a little salt, and filtered. Drinking water 2 times a day.

Subtilize face:
Take 2 - 3 carrots that have been peeled clean, and wash and seam. Then scrub in directly on the face as a mask. Wait until dry then wash your face.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

become slim and healthy with pineapple

Thanks to the pineapple, the body fat that slowly become slim and trim.
Not only that. Fruit of the skin filled with gold shell is the body defense system to be more solid. Gynecology vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, natrium, potassium, dextrose,sukrosa, and, and the enzyme bromelain that is saved and the pineapple is a fruit bearing that can overcome the delay onset of disease-serious diseases, such as tumor, aterosklerosis (blood vessel constriction), and lack of vit B.
Pineapple plant is a potential to become drugs. According to Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha in the book entitled Atlas Plants medicine Indonesia, the enzyme bromelain in pineapple fruit nutritious as anti-inflammation, helps soften the food in the stomach, with the growth of cancer cells, and prevent the occurrence of blood clotting (blood coagulation).
Gynecology pineapple fiber is high enough, appropriate treat constipation. Eating pineapple fruit, the means consume laxative (constipation). The effect, which defecate was choked, become fluent again. Pineapple is also quite good consumed by the people who are sick. In pineapple-substances are substances that can increase the absorption of drugs into the body.
The dead skin cells
Pineapple fruit and leaves also useful to clean the network of dead skin (skin debridement). An experiment carried out on some of the mice tails in the burns showed that enzyme in pineapple leaves and fruits can raise the dead skin of the network due to burns. This enzyme continues to work until a network of healthy skin appeared.
Quoting property pineapple :
Lose weight:
Provide 1 pineapple fruit is not too ripe, peeled ago to wash clean. Cut as necessary, and juice or grated, then PERAS water. So that the water extract obtained by a maximum of pineapple, crumple up using ribbons net. Pineapple drink water at once. Do 2 times a day.
Constipation :
provide 3 the pineapple fruit is not yet ripe. Peeled and wash clean. make into juice, separate from the waste water is pineapple. Drinking water filter pineapple 2 times a day after meals. Each half-cup.
Sore throat:
Provide 2 ripe pineapple fruit. Peeled skin, to wash clean, cut necessary, then grated or made jus.separate waste water from the pineapple. Drink 3 times a day, each 1 / 3 part.
full feeling in the stomach as digestive upset :
Drinking pineapple juice about 30 minutes before eating. Do 3 times a day around each of 1 / 2 cup (150 cc).
Worms :
take 1 young pineapple fruit. Peeled to clean and wash, Rinse with water and then cooked ago seam. PERAS grated and filtered water. Drink little by little to a child suffering from worms.
Furfur :
Provide half the pineapple fruit is ripe. Peeled skin, scar, separate water with pineapple pulp. Add lime juice to the water in the pineapple. Aduk average. Then head rubbing on the skin that have a dandruff problem. Do before sleeping and wash hair the next day. Perform 2-3 times per week.
Provide half the pineapple fruit is ripe. Peeled, wash clean, and scar. Rubbing on the skin of the patient. Do at night before bed. Leave overnight and wash the next day.
Burns, itching, ulcer :
Take a few sheets pineapple leaves, wash clean up crush ago until smooth. Jerky on the skin of the patient.
Sprain or a bruise :
Provide fruit 1 ripe pineapple, peeled, wash clean, cut into pieces as necessary. Pineapple juice discount before, and drinking water at a time.
Side effects pineapple :
Not all people can consume pineapple. Which one has the side effect :
1. Shed the womb. Pineapple potential as a young abortivum or similar drugs that could topple the womb. Hence, pineapple are often used to overcome the curse of late. Pregnant women are advised not to mengonsumsi young pineapple.
2. Triggering rheumatism in digestion, because the pineapple fruit can become alcohol fermentation. This can make the gout rheumatism. People with rheumatism and sore joints are advised to limit consumption of pineapple.
3. Increase blood sugar pineapple ripe fruit contain sugar that is high enough. People with diabetes should not consume excessive pineapple
4. Sometimes cause itchiness after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue tingle. To avoid being eaten before, inputs pineapple fruit with salt water.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Five Foods that Love Your Heart

heart, health, nature--> WallNuts, These Contain the highest amounts of any nuts, and support heart health by lowering triglycerides and reducing Plaque fromation. "Wallnuts are rich in antioxidants and polyunsaturated oil, especially alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), "says naturopath Carrie Walters. "ALA is int the same class of fats as the omega-3 oils in fish". Studies suggest ALA reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing heart arrhythmias, lowering cholesterol and regulating blodd pressure. Barbara Eden, Nutrition Policy manager for the heart foundation, says to look for plain or dry-roasted unsalted nuts, as many are cooked in "bad oils" like palm oil, which reduces their benefits.

--> Cold Water Fish, Researchers have long known that Eskimos, who eat large quantities of cold-water fish (herring, tuna, salmon, mackerel, cod), have less heart disease. Their diet is high in omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs), which lower blood pressure, reduce triglycerides, prevent blood cells from clumping (blood clots can cause heart attack and stroke) and act as a blood thinner.

"Compelling avidence supports the cardio-protective effects of fish consumption and the intake of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids", says cardiologist Dr David Colquhoun. "however, the average Australian is currently consuming less than half the optimal recommended intake of omega-3 fatty acids." The Heart Foundation advises 500mg of marine-source omega-3 each day to reduce the risk of heart diseas, and 1,000mg a day for those with existing heart disease.

--> Oats
, "The soluble fibre in oats, beta-glcan, binds with low-density lipoproteins (LDL, or "bad" cholesterol) and expels them from the body without effecting HDL ('good' cholesterol), " says Walters. "Plus, oats benefit type II diabetics by stabilling blood glucose".

Oats also contain antioxidants, including vitamin E, selenium and phenolic acids, that reduce oxidation of cholesterol, a process that causes herdening of the arteries.

Steel-cut oats are best for breakfast as they retain more nutrients than rolled oats. Instant oats. Instant oats may be sweetened, so check the labels.

--> Chocolate, The chocolate that loves your heart is the real deal version that is at least 60 p ercents cocoa. Milk and white chocolate don't qualify! "dark chocolate has powerful antioxidant properties", says Walters. On 2007 tudy found that induced coronary vasodilation, improved coronary vascular function and decreased plateled adhesion two hours after consumption. Cocoa is loaded with flavonoids, which are also found in cranberries, apples, strawberries, onions, tea, and red wine. Flavonoids protects plant from toxins, so when humans consume these compounds, they get the same benefits. The particular flavonoids in cocoa are called flavonols, and they prevent fatlike subtances in bloodstream from clogging arteris, as well as modulating nitric oxide in the body, which is critical for healthy blood flow and blood pressure. Cocoa also contains magnesium, an important mineral for heart health.

--> Blueberries
, For such a small fruit, the bluberry packs a mighty big cardio-protective punch. Blueberries have a high atioxidant capacity, particularly one class callled "Anthocyanins improve arterial flexibility and elasticity and increase capillary strength, thereby reducing blood clots and heart attacks".

Blueerries also contain a compound called pterostilbene which has a lipid-lowering ability comparable to a common prescription drug. Pterostilbene works on a cellular level to regulate fatty acid metabolism and fats in the deposition of plaque in the arteries.

Eat blueberries either fresh or frozen - just 1/2 cup a day delivers benefits.

sources from Nature and Health Magazine

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fruit - Bowl Facial

Fruit acids - From fresh fruits - are instantly skin - brightening. Simply use whichever luscious, fresh soft fruits you have hand.

Recipes :
- 25 g finely ground oatmeal
- 25 g finely ground almonds
- 50 g soft fruits of vegetables of your choice (strawberries, raspberries, apricots, peach, plums, blueberries, cucumber, lettuce or tomatoes), chopped and mashed, filtered mineral or rain water.

Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and stir well. Add the chopped and mashed fruits and or vegetables and combine until the mixture is well blended. Stir in just enough water to form a soft paste. Don't make it too runnny. Spread the mixture onto your face and massage in, avoiding the ayes and mouth area. Relax for 10-15 minutes, rinse well with warm water; pat dry and moisturise as usual

Strawberries are also great for sallow and oily skins; an infusion of a freshener to calm overactive sebaceous glands.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

About Teeth

  • Your teeth also love :
    • Fresh Sage, Rub a leaf over your teeth to make them brighter and whiter
    • Raspberries, Which are reputed to dissolve plaque when you eat them
    • Fresh spearmint, Chew on a fresh leaf to whten the teeth, condition the gums and help prevent bad breath.

source : nature and health magazine

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