Herbal therapy for Nutrition And Cancer ::Pressing Cancer Cell Growth
If DNA damage is not normal cells also successfully prevented by compound or vitamin / minerals that are antioxidants, or when the form is already cancer cells, the action that we can do is press the growth of cancer cells. Cancer cell growth takes place quickly after the cells are getting fatty acid omega-6. To reduce the influence of fatty acid and drive out of this in cancer cells, fatty acid omega-3 that there are many fish in the cold have an important role. Fatty acid omega-3, also known as EPA (eicosapentanoic acid) or gama-lenolenat, is one of the essential fat.Some types of cancer cells can also grow quickly when triggered by the human hormone estrogen, such as in breast cancer cells. In this case isoflavon which is a soybean fitoestrogen in fact competitive with the human estrogen. So that the consumption of soybean isoflavon will help prevent the growth of cancer triggered by estrogen in humans. From here we can understand the role of tempe, soy milk and in food as the growth of cancer prevention.
Metastase cells to prevent cancer, we need to know how the cells are spread out. There are two ways cancer cells pro-metastase: through angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessel) and collagen, which is crushing the normal cells. Thus metastase will dihambat if angiogenesis can be prevented, while the collagen is damaged can be repaired by the body itself by using a certain food.
For angiogenesis, cancer cells release growth factors. Production of growth factors appeared to be arrested by preparation inhibitor Cox-2 that includes resveratrol in the skin of red wine, turmeric and kurkumin in genestein in soybean.
Renovation collagen by cancer cells occurs with the help of enzyme produced kolagenase the cancer cells themselves.
Preparation of nutrition can hamper the process of renovation this is vitamin C and shark cartilage. In addition to joining Interferon stimulates the formation of the fight against cancer cells, vitamin C can improve the damage appeared to collagen with new collagen created through hidroksilasi prolin. Perhaps this is the role of the controversial statement of the basis of a nobel prize winner in chemistry and peace, Linus Carl Pauling, of the nutrition therapy of cancer with vitamin C megadosis.
Other forms of nutrition that can help repair cartilage collagen is a shark that many have been used as a cancer drug. Indeed, shark cartilage is a source of collagen that can provide natural products for body cells to synthetic collagen.
Metastase cells to prevent cancer, we need to know how the cells are spread out. There are two ways cancer cells pro-metastase: through angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessel) and collagen, which is crushing the normal cells. Thus metastase will dihambat if angiogenesis can be prevented, while the collagen is damaged can be repaired by the body itself by using a certain food.
For angiogenesis, cancer cells release growth factors. Production of growth factors appeared to be arrested by preparation inhibitor Cox-2 that includes resveratrol in the skin of red wine, turmeric and kurkumin in genestein in soybean.
Renovation collagen by cancer cells occurs with the help of enzyme produced kolagenase the cancer cells themselves.
Preparation of nutrition can hamper the process of renovation this is vitamin C and shark cartilage. In addition to joining Interferon stimulates the formation of the fight against cancer cells, vitamin C can improve the damage appeared to collagen with new collagen created through hidroksilasi prolin. Perhaps this is the role of the controversial statement of the basis of a nobel prize winner in chemistry and peace, Linus Carl Pauling, of the nutrition therapy of cancer with vitamin C megadosis.
Other forms of nutrition that can help repair cartilage collagen is a shark that many have been used as a cancer drug. Indeed, shark cartilage is a source of collagen that can provide natural products for body cells to synthetic collagen.
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