How garlic Fight Cancer?
In modern society garlic (Allium sativum) can be trusted to prevent heart attack, blood clotting, lower cholesterol level, blood pressure, blood sugar, reduce the kind of ulcer in the stomach and small intestine stomach base, bidder poison, killer bacteria / fungi / parasites, fastener free radicals, and many others. Is the flavor cuisine daily can also cure cancer?
Various studies indicate the ability of garlic to prevent and treat cancer, mainly caused by the chemicals hazardous, such as prostat cancer, stomach, kolorektal (intestine and rectum), breast, liver, skin, and lungs.Oxygen-active substances in garlic, among others, vitamin A, B, C, calcium, potasium, iron, karoten, and selenium. The most dominant in the fight against cancer is allyl sulfur components, such as diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, S-allyl cysteine, S-allylmercaptocysteine, allicin, and ajoene. Oxygen-oxygen is to prevent the establishment and the nitrosamin in the body, also blocked aflatoxin, azoxymethane, benzo (a) pyrene, and others, all of which are substances karsinogen (trigger cancer).
In the next stage of the components may prevent mutation genes, preventing proliferation (growth / division) of cancer cells, improving the structure of DNA that is damaged, even to stimulate cancer cell suicide (apoptosis).
On the other side of garlic also act as antioxidants, removing the poison from the body, and kill the bacteria Helicobacter pylori that can trigger a variety of stomach cancer.
How to consume
Certainly, workplace substance-active substance of garlic that depends on many things, such as the land where garlic is grown (in a dry oxygen-active substance of garlic), the composition of substances in the food consumed at the same time with it, also how to prepare and consume onion white itself. Combination with selenium, a fatty acid (eg acid linoleat), and vitamin A, can increase the ability of garlic to prevent proliferation and increase apoptosis.
But need to realize that the processing of garlic can kill power of oxygen-oxygen antikanker it. One minute it is processed in the microwave, then the lost property as antikanker garlic. Similarly, if heated in the process of another concoction. So what? Should garlic swallowed it raw?
In fact just simple. Destroy garlic (beaten hard / sliced thin) and leave for 15 minutes before cooked (used as a cooking ingredient). Within 15 minutes was a chemical reaction to activate the oxygen-oxygen groups of allyl sulfur antikanker above, that is not damaged even if it is cooked. But if cooked immediately after destroyed, the chemical reaction does not occur, automatic property antikankernya lost.
If desired, garlic can also be consumed raw. But still it must be destroyed first and left for 15 minutes. So what if the onion will be served whole, for example, in the pickle? Peeled and cut quite a few edges. Fair, still has property antikanker albeit not as well as if destroyed.
Potential Danger
Not easy, using garlic for prevention and treatment of cancer? The price is cheap and easily obtainable as well. But be wary, not mean that garlic may be consumed carelessly. Do not think that the more garlic consumed the better the results.
The recommended dose for the consumption of garlic is 4-5 grams of fresh garlic / day (about 1-2 cloves). If too many, than not cause the smell in the breath and silky skin, often cause allergies, digestive disturbances (vomiting, diarrhea, irritation, excessive gas production), bronkial asthma, dermatitis, reduce the rate of protein and calcium in the blood, also reducing the production of sperm.
Too much garlic increase the risk of bleeding because of its ability to prevent thrombosis. Therefore the people who want or just the surgery, the consumption of garlic should be limited.
Garlic also work to increase enzyme-enzyme in the liver to remove poisons from the body. On the ability of healthy people is very helpful, but be careful, he can also remove the drugs that you swallow and chemotherapy drugs. Medicine you become useless, is not it? Therefore, if you want to increase the consumption of garlic or use a product suplemennya, consultation with a doctor first.
Various studies indicate the ability of garlic to prevent and treat cancer, mainly caused by the chemicals hazardous, such as prostat cancer, stomach, kolorektal (intestine and rectum), breast, liver, skin, and lungs.Oxygen-active substances in garlic, among others, vitamin A, B, C, calcium, potasium, iron, karoten, and selenium. The most dominant in the fight against cancer is allyl sulfur components, such as diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, S-allyl cysteine, S-allylmercaptocysteine, allicin, and ajoene. Oxygen-oxygen is to prevent the establishment and the nitrosamin in the body, also blocked aflatoxin, azoxymethane, benzo (a) pyrene, and others, all of which are substances karsinogen (trigger cancer).
In the next stage of the components may prevent mutation genes, preventing proliferation (growth / division) of cancer cells, improving the structure of DNA that is damaged, even to stimulate cancer cell suicide (apoptosis).
On the other side of garlic also act as antioxidants, removing the poison from the body, and kill the bacteria Helicobacter pylori that can trigger a variety of stomach cancer.
How to consume
Certainly, workplace substance-active substance of garlic that depends on many things, such as the land where garlic is grown (in a dry oxygen-active substance of garlic), the composition of substances in the food consumed at the same time with it, also how to prepare and consume onion white itself. Combination with selenium, a fatty acid (eg acid linoleat), and vitamin A, can increase the ability of garlic to prevent proliferation and increase apoptosis.
But need to realize that the processing of garlic can kill power of oxygen-oxygen antikanker it. One minute it is processed in the microwave, then the lost property as antikanker garlic. Similarly, if heated in the process of another concoction. So what? Should garlic swallowed it raw?
In fact just simple. Destroy garlic (beaten hard / sliced thin) and leave for 15 minutes before cooked (used as a cooking ingredient). Within 15 minutes was a chemical reaction to activate the oxygen-oxygen groups of allyl sulfur antikanker above, that is not damaged even if it is cooked. But if cooked immediately after destroyed, the chemical reaction does not occur, automatic property antikankernya lost.
If desired, garlic can also be consumed raw. But still it must be destroyed first and left for 15 minutes. So what if the onion will be served whole, for example, in the pickle? Peeled and cut quite a few edges. Fair, still has property antikanker albeit not as well as if destroyed.
Potential Danger
Not easy, using garlic for prevention and treatment of cancer? The price is cheap and easily obtainable as well. But be wary, not mean that garlic may be consumed carelessly. Do not think that the more garlic consumed the better the results.
The recommended dose for the consumption of garlic is 4-5 grams of fresh garlic / day (about 1-2 cloves). If too many, than not cause the smell in the breath and silky skin, often cause allergies, digestive disturbances (vomiting, diarrhea, irritation, excessive gas production), bronkial asthma, dermatitis, reduce the rate of protein and calcium in the blood, also reducing the production of sperm.
Too much garlic increase the risk of bleeding because of its ability to prevent thrombosis. Therefore the people who want or just the surgery, the consumption of garlic should be limited.
Garlic also work to increase enzyme-enzyme in the liver to remove poisons from the body. On the ability of healthy people is very helpful, but be careful, he can also remove the drugs that you swallow and chemotherapy drugs. Medicine you become useless, is not it? Therefore, if you want to increase the consumption of garlic or use a product suplemennya, consultation with a doctor first.
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