Herbal therapy for Nutrition And Cancer : must know
Until now This cancer is a disease threat, while a specific drug to stop the growth of cancer cells also has not been found. Toh prevention efforts continue to grown with radiation therapy and sitostatika.
However, some people prefer an alternative therapy. To see the size of the risks and benefits of alternative therapy, is very much needed understanding of how to work an alternative therapy, including the use of food supplements (vitamins and antioxidants compound mineral) and herbal preparation that can work against cancer.
Various types of food was the best oxygen-containing substances antikanker. Without even cooking oil with a mixture of broccoli, mustard greens, cabbage flowers, carrots, tomatoes, meat and fish is very rich with antioxidants elements.
Various alil compound such as sulfide in garlic, turmeric in kurkumin, isoflavon in soybean, likofen in tomatoes, polifenol in green tea, revesratrol in red grape skin, and sulforafan food is broccoli in cancer prevention. Some vitamins and minerals are also antioxidants which are often promoted for the prevention of cancer: beta-karoten, vitamin C, E, and selenium.
For herbal therapy, there are a variety of plants, based on empirical experience, we can fight cancer. Among parasite (Dendrophtoe petandra), virgin palm (Catharanthus roseus), meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L), white turmeric (Kaempferia rotunda L), respite (Pettiveria alliacea) and maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa).
Cancer appears when normal cell DNA were damaged causing genetic mutation. If this is not immediately corrected, the cell multiplication of damaged DNA to its potential to produce cancer cells. When the cells are intended to increase the recovery of cells damaged or worn.
From the science of nutrition, the two elements that can damage DNA cells is normal and free radical karsinogen. Free radicals can be produced through the metabolism of the body or the environment around us (gas-out factories and vehicles, cigarette smoke, chemical substances, substances such as insecticides, chemical substances or ingredients in food aditif). Fortunately free radicals and can be bound by some dinetralkan compound, vitamins and minerals that are antioxidants.
The compound antioxidants that neutralize free radicals is polifenol (green tea), likofen (tomatoes), beta-carotene (carrots), and some other compound in the vegetable or fruit.
Special likofen in the tomato, this compound bound with a strong fiber fruit is. To free, tomatoes must be cooked with a little oil first, considering the nature likofen that easy dissolved in oil.
Research Harvard University on 48,000 people in 1995 showed, people who eat 10 times dishes containing tomatoes per week will decrease the risk of cancer prostat exposed to almost half. Vitamin C, E, and selenium are found in many fruits, vegetables, sprout, and the seeds are also antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.
Second element is a substance in food karsinogen. Substance is derived from prokarsinogen by the phase I enzyme in the liver changed into karsinogen. Meanwhile, phase II enzyme will remove the product residue phase I enzyme, which can prevent the formation of cancer cells. If the enzyme phase I enzyme that can be called evil, then the phase II enzyme is the enzyme that good.
Phase I enzyme appeared to be arrested by alil sulfide compound in garlic prokarsinogen so that changes can be karsinogen reduced. One example is the famous karsinogen compound produced nitrosamin burning meat / fish (eg sate scorched) and the oil pan that has been used many times. Vitamin C act as antioxidants that prevent the formation of dissolved nitrosamin in the channel.
While the phase II enzyme production can be enhanced by the many sulforafan found in broccoli, cabbage flowers, and mustard greens. Therefore, the menu consists of vegetables broccoli, mustard greens, cabbage flowers, carrots, tomatoes, and pan-fish oil and a little garlic is one of the options menu that is rich in antioxidants elements.
However, some people prefer an alternative therapy. To see the size of the risks and benefits of alternative therapy, is very much needed understanding of how to work an alternative therapy, including the use of food supplements (vitamins and antioxidants compound mineral) and herbal preparation that can work against cancer.
Various types of food was the best oxygen-containing substances antikanker. Without even cooking oil with a mixture of broccoli, mustard greens, cabbage flowers, carrots, tomatoes, meat and fish is very rich with antioxidants elements.
Various alil compound such as sulfide in garlic, turmeric in kurkumin, isoflavon in soybean, likofen in tomatoes, polifenol in green tea, revesratrol in red grape skin, and sulforafan food is broccoli in cancer prevention. Some vitamins and minerals are also antioxidants which are often promoted for the prevention of cancer: beta-karoten, vitamin C, E, and selenium.
For herbal therapy, there are a variety of plants, based on empirical experience, we can fight cancer. Among parasite (Dendrophtoe petandra), virgin palm (Catharanthus roseus), meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L), white turmeric (Kaempferia rotunda L), respite (Pettiveria alliacea) and maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa).
Cancer appears when normal cell DNA were damaged causing genetic mutation. If this is not immediately corrected, the cell multiplication of damaged DNA to its potential to produce cancer cells. When the cells are intended to increase the recovery of cells damaged or worn.
From the science of nutrition, the two elements that can damage DNA cells is normal and free radical karsinogen. Free radicals can be produced through the metabolism of the body or the environment around us (gas-out factories and vehicles, cigarette smoke, chemical substances, substances such as insecticides, chemical substances or ingredients in food aditif). Fortunately free radicals and can be bound by some dinetralkan compound, vitamins and minerals that are antioxidants.
The compound antioxidants that neutralize free radicals is polifenol (green tea), likofen (tomatoes), beta-carotene (carrots), and some other compound in the vegetable or fruit.
Special likofen in the tomato, this compound bound with a strong fiber fruit is. To free, tomatoes must be cooked with a little oil first, considering the nature likofen that easy dissolved in oil.
Research Harvard University on 48,000 people in 1995 showed, people who eat 10 times dishes containing tomatoes per week will decrease the risk of cancer prostat exposed to almost half. Vitamin C, E, and selenium are found in many fruits, vegetables, sprout, and the seeds are also antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.
Second element is a substance in food karsinogen. Substance is derived from prokarsinogen by the phase I enzyme in the liver changed into karsinogen. Meanwhile, phase II enzyme will remove the product residue phase I enzyme, which can prevent the formation of cancer cells. If the enzyme phase I enzyme that can be called evil, then the phase II enzyme is the enzyme that good.
Phase I enzyme appeared to be arrested by alil sulfide compound in garlic prokarsinogen so that changes can be karsinogen reduced. One example is the famous karsinogen compound produced nitrosamin burning meat / fish (eg sate scorched) and the oil pan that has been used many times. Vitamin C act as antioxidants that prevent the formation of dissolved nitrosamin in the channel.
While the phase II enzyme production can be enhanced by the many sulforafan found in broccoli, cabbage flowers, and mustard greens. Therefore, the menu consists of vegetables broccoli, mustard greens, cabbage flowers, carrots, tomatoes, and pan-fish oil and a little garlic is one of the options menu that is rich in antioxidants elements.
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