All the good Of cucumber for health
cucumber that have a scientific name Cucumis sativus in has long been known as complementary food: be eaten raw, made pickle, or fresh beverages.
cucumberthat have a scientific name Cucumis sativus, contains 0.65 per cent protein, 0.1 percent fat and 2.2 per cent carbohydrate. Honeysuckle fruit also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, fosforus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. Cucumber seeds themselves contain toxic alkoloid type hipoxanti, which works to treat worms.
*Acne :
Washed cucumber fruit then cut a slice. that pieces rubbed on the scrub-pimpled skin. Make every day.
*Flek former black blotch:
Take the tip of the fruit along cucumber approximately 5 cm, and rasp. Take turmeric of thumb,crushed and take the water. Water is mixed in turmeric cucumber that is already shredded. Then rub in to face. Make every day until flek disappeared. Or, you can use a home-made spray toner. How, one mentimun shredded that has been peeled. Capture and filter water, Mix with two tsp honey. Then enter it into the mixture that has a bottle splasher. spray to face twice a day.
* Pain Management throat:
A few seeds cucumber Mix with a little salt. Then add water. Use the mixture to gargle.
Be drunk or consumed
*High blood pressure.
2 cucumber fresh fruits washed clean then shredded. Results grated and strained, and drunk all at once. Perform 2-3 times a day.
*cold of sore:
Each day eat the fruit of cucumber fruit 9. Do routinely.
*Clearing the kidney:
shredded fresh cucumber then washed.Results the grated and filtered. Drink water little by little until the stomach to receive the liquid cucumber.
Take cufficient cucumber, washed clean, and then shredded. Results grater placed on the stomach.
*Hapa not regular.
Grinding 10 sheets fine leaf cocor duck, 5 finger water pumpkin, 5 fruits majakan, 1 fruit cucumber, 10 dadap srep leaf sheets, 10 sheets sambaing colok leaves, add sufficient salt water. Then rub in to the stomach, and dressing. Perform twice a day.
* As a fresher mouth. After brush teeth, eat a few slices of cucumber. Your breath will feel fresh.
cucumberthat have a scientific name Cucumis sativus, contains 0.65 per cent protein, 0.1 percent fat and 2.2 per cent carbohydrate. Honeysuckle fruit also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, fosforus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. Cucumber seeds themselves contain toxic alkoloid type hipoxanti, which works to treat worms.
*Acne :
Washed cucumber fruit then cut a slice. that pieces rubbed on the scrub-pimpled skin. Make every day.
*Flek former black blotch:
Take the tip of the fruit along cucumber approximately 5 cm, and rasp. Take turmeric of thumb,crushed and take the water. Water is mixed in turmeric cucumber that is already shredded. Then rub in to face. Make every day until flek disappeared. Or, you can use a home-made spray toner. How, one mentimun shredded that has been peeled. Capture and filter water, Mix with two tsp honey. Then enter it into the mixture that has a bottle splasher. spray to face twice a day.
* Pain Management throat:
A few seeds cucumber Mix with a little salt. Then add water. Use the mixture to gargle.
Be drunk or consumed
*High blood pressure.
2 cucumber fresh fruits washed clean then shredded. Results grated and strained, and drunk all at once. Perform 2-3 times a day.
*cold of sore:
Each day eat the fruit of cucumber fruit 9. Do routinely.
*Clearing the kidney:
shredded fresh cucumber then washed.Results the grated and filtered. Drink water little by little until the stomach to receive the liquid cucumber.
Take cufficient cucumber, washed clean, and then shredded. Results grater placed on the stomach.
*Hapa not regular.
Grinding 10 sheets fine leaf cocor duck, 5 finger water pumpkin, 5 fruits majakan, 1 fruit cucumber, 10 dadap srep leaf sheets, 10 sheets sambaing colok leaves, add sufficient salt water. Then rub in to the stomach, and dressing. Perform twice a day.
* As a fresher mouth. After brush teeth, eat a few slices of cucumber. Your breath will feel fresh.
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