become slim and healthy with pineapple
Thanks to the pineapple, the body fat that slowly become slim and trim.
Not only that. Fruit of the skin filled with gold shell is the body defense system to be more solid. Gynecology vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, natrium, potassium, dextrose,sukrosa, and, and the enzyme bromelain that is saved and the pineapple is a fruit bearing that can overcome the delay onset of disease-serious diseases, such as tumor, aterosklerosis (blood vessel constriction), and lack of vit B.
Pineapple plant is a potential to become drugs. According to Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha in the book entitled Atlas Plants medicine Indonesia, the enzyme bromelain in pineapple fruit nutritious as anti-inflammation, helps soften the food in the stomach, with the growth of cancer cells, and prevent the occurrence of blood clotting (blood coagulation).
Gynecology pineapple fiber is high enough, appropriate treat constipation. Eating pineapple fruit, the means consume laxative (constipation). The effect, which defecate was choked, become fluent again. Pineapple is also quite good consumed by the people who are sick. In pineapple-substances are substances that can increase the absorption of drugs into the body.
The dead skin cells
Pineapple fruit and leaves also useful to clean the network of dead skin (skin debridement). An experiment carried out on some of the mice tails in the burns showed that enzyme in pineapple leaves and fruits can raise the dead skin of the network due to burns. This enzyme continues to work until a network of healthy skin appeared.
Quoting property pineapple :
Lose weight:
Provide 1 pineapple fruit is not too ripe, peeled ago to wash clean. Cut as necessary, and juice or grated, then PERAS water. So that the water extract obtained by a maximum of pineapple, crumple up using ribbons net. Pineapple drink water at once. Do 2 times a day.
Constipation :
provide 3 the pineapple fruit is not yet ripe. Peeled and wash clean. make into juice, separate from the waste water is pineapple. Drinking water filter pineapple 2 times a day after meals. Each half-cup.
Sore throat:
Provide 2 ripe pineapple fruit. Peeled skin, to wash clean, cut necessary, then grated or made jus.separate waste water from the pineapple. Drink 3 times a day, each 1 / 3 part.
full feeling in the stomach as digestive upset :
Drinking pineapple juice about 30 minutes before eating. Do 3 times a day around each of 1 / 2 cup (150 cc).
Worms :
take 1 young pineapple fruit. Peeled to clean and wash, Rinse with water and then cooked ago seam. PERAS grated and filtered water. Drink little by little to a child suffering from worms.
Furfur :
Provide half the pineapple fruit is ripe. Peeled skin, scar, separate water with pineapple pulp. Add lime juice to the water in the pineapple. Aduk average. Then head rubbing on the skin that have a dandruff problem. Do before sleeping and wash hair the next day. Perform 2-3 times per week.
Provide half the pineapple fruit is ripe. Peeled, wash clean, and scar. Rubbing on the skin of the patient. Do at night before bed. Leave overnight and wash the next day.
Burns, itching, ulcer :
Take a few sheets pineapple leaves, wash clean up crush ago until smooth. Jerky on the skin of the patient.
Sprain or a bruise :
Provide fruit 1 ripe pineapple, peeled, wash clean, cut into pieces as necessary. Pineapple juice discount before, and drinking water at a time.
Side effects pineapple :
Not all people can consume pineapple. Which one has the side effect :
1. Shed the womb. Pineapple potential as a young abortivum or similar drugs that could topple the womb. Hence, pineapple are often used to overcome the curse of late. Pregnant women are advised not to mengonsumsi young pineapple.
2. Triggering rheumatism in digestion, because the pineapple fruit can become alcohol fermentation. This can make the gout rheumatism. People with rheumatism and sore joints are advised to limit consumption of pineapple.
3. Increase blood sugar pineapple ripe fruit contain sugar that is high enough. People with diabetes should not consume excessive pineapple
4. Sometimes cause itchiness after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue tingle. To avoid being eaten before, inputs pineapple fruit with salt water.
Not only that. Fruit of the skin filled with gold shell is the body defense system to be more solid. Gynecology vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, natrium, potassium, dextrose,sukrosa, and, and the enzyme bromelain that is saved and the pineapple is a fruit bearing that can overcome the delay onset of disease-serious diseases, such as tumor, aterosklerosis (blood vessel constriction), and lack of vit B.
Pineapple plant is a potential to become drugs. According to Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha in the book entitled Atlas Plants medicine Indonesia, the enzyme bromelain in pineapple fruit nutritious as anti-inflammation, helps soften the food in the stomach, with the growth of cancer cells, and prevent the occurrence of blood clotting (blood coagulation).
Gynecology pineapple fiber is high enough, appropriate treat constipation. Eating pineapple fruit, the means consume laxative (constipation). The effect, which defecate was choked, become fluent again. Pineapple is also quite good consumed by the people who are sick. In pineapple-substances are substances that can increase the absorption of drugs into the body.
The dead skin cells
Pineapple fruit and leaves also useful to clean the network of dead skin (skin debridement). An experiment carried out on some of the mice tails in the burns showed that enzyme in pineapple leaves and fruits can raise the dead skin of the network due to burns. This enzyme continues to work until a network of healthy skin appeared.
Quoting property pineapple :
Lose weight:
Provide 1 pineapple fruit is not too ripe, peeled ago to wash clean. Cut as necessary, and juice or grated, then PERAS water. So that the water extract obtained by a maximum of pineapple, crumple up using ribbons net. Pineapple drink water at once. Do 2 times a day.
Constipation :
provide 3 the pineapple fruit is not yet ripe. Peeled and wash clean. make into juice, separate from the waste water is pineapple. Drinking water filter pineapple 2 times a day after meals. Each half-cup.
Sore throat:
Provide 2 ripe pineapple fruit. Peeled skin, to wash clean, cut necessary, then grated or made jus.separate waste water from the pineapple. Drink 3 times a day, each 1 / 3 part.
full feeling in the stomach as digestive upset :
Drinking pineapple juice about 30 minutes before eating. Do 3 times a day around each of 1 / 2 cup (150 cc).
Worms :
take 1 young pineapple fruit. Peeled to clean and wash, Rinse with water and then cooked ago seam. PERAS grated and filtered water. Drink little by little to a child suffering from worms.
Furfur :
Provide half the pineapple fruit is ripe. Peeled skin, scar, separate water with pineapple pulp. Add lime juice to the water in the pineapple. Aduk average. Then head rubbing on the skin that have a dandruff problem. Do before sleeping and wash hair the next day. Perform 2-3 times per week.
Provide half the pineapple fruit is ripe. Peeled, wash clean, and scar. Rubbing on the skin of the patient. Do at night before bed. Leave overnight and wash the next day.
Burns, itching, ulcer :
Take a few sheets pineapple leaves, wash clean up crush ago until smooth. Jerky on the skin of the patient.
Sprain or a bruise :
Provide fruit 1 ripe pineapple, peeled, wash clean, cut into pieces as necessary. Pineapple juice discount before, and drinking water at a time.
Side effects pineapple :
Not all people can consume pineapple. Which one has the side effect :
1. Shed the womb. Pineapple potential as a young abortivum or similar drugs that could topple the womb. Hence, pineapple are often used to overcome the curse of late. Pregnant women are advised not to mengonsumsi young pineapple.
2. Triggering rheumatism in digestion, because the pineapple fruit can become alcohol fermentation. This can make the gout rheumatism. People with rheumatism and sore joints are advised to limit consumption of pineapple.
3. Increase blood sugar pineapple ripe fruit contain sugar that is high enough. People with diabetes should not consume excessive pineapple
4. Sometimes cause itchiness after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue tingle. To avoid being eaten before, inputs pineapple fruit with salt water.
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