All the good of red pomegranate fruit
In Indonesia, the red pomegranate fruit is often planted in yards as a house plant ornamental, and fruit to eat. For Chinese people, the fruit is a pomegranate fruit in the compulsory New Year Imlek. They believe that many the seeds is the symbol of the abundant food. All part of this plant can be used for health care. Fruit itself contains substance that make healthy and able to prevent all kinds of diseases.
Gargle pomegranate juice before drinking to help clean the mouth and teeth, and so help prevent the infection of the mouth that does not smell scrumptious. eat slowly with the pomegranate fruit and the seeds can clarify the raspy voice and avoid dry throat. Other benefits, the actual substance tanin in pomegranate fruit can anesthetize roundworms, pinworm and tapeworm in the intestine so that they can be issued through the feces. This is usually used by residents of Egypt and Vietnam.
Benefits of pomegranate can be obtained in various ways. You can get it in the form of juice or can eat the seeds, syrup, pasta or pomegranate concentrate. Traditionally, the fruit pomegranate normally used to clean the skin and reduce inflammation on the skin. Pomegranate fruit juice can also reduce the suffering laryngitis. According to research done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the pomegranate fruit is rich in antioxidants can prevent oxidation LDL or bad cholesterol in the body.
Pomegranate contain antioxidants, antiviral and anti-tumor material. Not only that, the fruit has many seeds are also rich in Vitamin A, C and E and folic acid. Even the womb antioxidants in pomegranate fruit three times the amount more than the wine or green.
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