STROWBERRY PREVENT AND CANCER Colon ORal, maintaining heart health
colon cancer and oral cancer is best. Studies ublished in the Journal of An Agricultural Food Chemistry shows, berry contains a number of with antioxidants that prevent the growth of cancer cells. Berry also is a good source of vitamin C, folate, and fiber. Meanwhile, the Harvard Medical School researchers found, eating strowberry can keep the heart healthy by lowering inflamasi vessel blood. Women who reported eating most strowberry possible 14 have a lower level C-reactive Protein levels, known as CRP, biomarker for inflamasi in the blood vessel, is associated with the atherosclerosis and the higher risk of disease kardiovaskular. This is the first study that shows strowberry can help reduce the possibility of increase in CRP level in the blood. Fruit and vegetable intake higher consistently associated with a decrease in the risk of disease kardiovaskular. But still more research is needed to help provide more evidence that eating fruits and vegetables can help lower the risk of disease kardiovaskular. The researchers also found, with women more strowberry intake higher the possible greater heart healthy lifestyle. Group women with the highest intake strowberry average eat 2 times more many fruits and vegetables each day compared to women's groups with intake lowest. The findings published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
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