Attention to health care for the consumption of vitamin day per day
For health care needs to be very important attention for nutrients, vitamins, minerals and our day-to-day.
Anything excessive will be the only cause that is not useful, in the case that consume nutrients useful to health care will be useless, and so only out of our bodies or the more dangerous then our bodies will be poisoned by our consumption of vitamin
below, there are some things that if we need to consume in a note, vitamin or substance that is useful for our bodies :
Vitamin A
5.000 IU per day
Source of food: milk, eggs, liver, meat, chicken, green vegetables, carrots, parsnip, spinach, broccoli, mango, tomato.
Vitamin C 250mg-500mg per day
if you want to consume 500mg, better consumption of 2 × 250mg per day, with the rest 6 hours.
Source of food: orange, berry, tomato, potato, broccoli, spinach, guava, almost all fruits contains vit C.
Vitamin D
450mg (kids), 400mg (19-45th) & 600mg (> 45th) per day
Food sources: liver, yellow, egg, fish, fish oil.
500mg (kids), 500mg (men's 19-45th), (600mg female 19-45th), 1000mg (> 45th). If you want to consume 500mg or more, consumption of 2 × 250mg per day, with the rest 6 hours, if not, feared calcium sediment in the heart, brain, kidney, etc..
Vitamin E
20 IU 30 IU natural or synthetic (<28th), 50 IU (28-40th), 100 IU (> 40th) per day
Source of food: vegetable oil, wheat, avocado, beans .
Vitamin E
20 IU 30 IU natural or synthetic (<28th), 50 IU (28-40th), 100 IU (> 40th) per day
Source of food: vegetable oil, wheat, avocado, beans
Niacin (Vitamin B3)
20mg per day
Source of food: meat, poultry, offal (carefully consume, if you are exposed to the disease diabetes, high blood pressure, (cholesterol), nuts.
Piridoksin (Vitamin B6)
5mg per day
Source of food: poultry, fish, eggs, I nuts, seeds, bananas
Folat Acid (Vitamin B9)
400mcg per day
Source of food: orange, kacang4 seeds, liver, green vegetables
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)
6 mcg per day
fish, meat, imggas, eggs, milk and all products derived from milk (yoghurt, cheese, etc.)
IU = International unit, unit for vitamin & mineral
for blood group O, is strictly prohibited,consume milk of cow and anything product has become from cow. Consumption of goat milk only.
Better vitamin consumption a little bit at 4-6 hours, to achieve total daily dose of vitamin needs.
Example: Women's 60th, has a need for vitamin 1000mg per day. It should consume 250mg am, 250mg day, 250mg evening, night and 250mg before bed.
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