Mineral Water Benefits
"Why should we consume a lot of water or mineral water oxy?", If the questions during this play in your mind, then breathe in and pray in, before you read this article. The answer is quite chilling, but you do not need to shrink, you need to do is fill a glass with water and drink oxigen as much as possible.
Since you first learn biology, you surely know that 80 percent of the human body consists of water. In fact, there are two parts of the human body have the oxygen content of water in the top 80 percent of which both have an important role for human life, the brain and blood. Oxygen component of the brain has as many as 90 percent water, while the blood component has 95 percent water. Therefore, the water sellers and water business also began to flare run by some people.
To maintain health, normal man must rely on the health of mineral water as at least 2 liters a day or 8 glasses a day. However, this measure does not apply to the hobby that you smoke, you must consume the oxy water more than 2 liters per day. Oxy water as it is necessary to replace the fluids that come out of the body, such as urine, perspiration, and respiratory sekresi.
Once you know how much water we oxigen a mandatory consumption per day, let us imagine what happens when you violate the rules or in simple language, you drink less than 2 liters of water per day oxygen. The answer is, the body will balance itself.
The body will "suck" oxygen from the water body's own components. Components starting from the closest blood. Because water in the blood oxy disedot for the body, the blood will become so thick all the way to the body to become less smooth.
In the process, the kidney will be suffering. In running its duty filter poisons from the blood, it will experience difficulty must filter the blood thick. Not infrequently this blood causes the tear in the kidney glomerulus.
Dangerous? Depends .. but a clear urine you'll reddish color, as a premonition bocornya start kidney filtration. If you are still don't care and not do something to stop this leakage, I recommend to prepare to wash the blood.
Well now you can conclude whether the leak, including the kidneys filter harmful or not, but trust me imagine reluctant to give the envelope containing Rp 400,000 in the doctor once every 7 days. If you saving for one year, imagine how much money will fill your purse.
Like me, you fear is not necessarily start, but keep the focus and continue reading this article, because there is still a more dangerous again. Still remember the blood coagulate because of water's health be sucked for the body?
Well this time the blood flow through the brain, the way is also not as smooth as when he passes kidney. As a result, the brain is no longer "thin" .. what a good brain is not clear? but before your mind drift away, back to the row below.
Brain cells of organs is the most extravagant meals, and consume oxygen. Obstructed blood flow can cause brain cells die quickly, or not working properly. If you also have a heart disease, the suffering of your perfect attack with the stroke .. hmm sound so sinister?
Now every decision in your hands, start consume 8 glasses per day of mineral water, doing business selling water or prepare for the suffering of worldly drink lots of water with mineral then it will ease in care health.. its up to U .. !
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