All the good things about ginger
Ginger plants and has long been known to grow well in our country. Ginger is a one of the important spices. rhizome very wide use, such as cooked flavor, aroma and taste our food, such as in bread, cake, biscuit, flowers sugar, and various refreshments. Ginger is also used in industrial medicine, perfume and traditional herbal medicine. Young ginger is eaten raw, processed into pickle.In addition, because the effects can feel heat in the stomach, the ginger also used as materials such as beverage bandrek, sekoteng and syrup.
The scientific name of ginger Zingiber officinale is not foreign to us, both
as kitchen spices and medicines, so that each area in
Indonesia have its own designation for the ginger. The names for the ginger
include ginger (Aceh), bahing (Batak karo), sipadeh or sipodeh (Sumatera
West), Jahi (Lampung), Jae (Java), Ginger (Sundanese), jhai (Madura), pese (Bugis) lali (Irian)
Herb plants are ginger, upright, can reach a height of 40 - and 100 cm
age can be annual. Stem form of the pseudo-stem composed of leaf blade
with a flat aft end of the taper. Interest consists of bunches of flowers
cone-shaped sheath with a cream-colored.
Root is often called rimpang ginger smell fragrant and spicy taste. Rimpang
ramose ramble, fibrous rough, horizontal sweep. In the yellow
Gynecology Rimpang Jahe
Characteristic due to the ginger atsiri oil and ginger oleoresin. Fragrant aroma
oil of ginger is caused by atsiri, while oleoresinnya the sharpness.
Mnnyak atsiri can be obtained or diisolasi with steam from destilasi ginger rhizoma
dry. Oil of ginger extract liquid form thick verdure until the yellow color,
smell fragrant but do not have the component maker sharpness. Gynecology
atsiri oil in dry ginger, approximately 1 - 3 percent. The main components of oil atsiri ginger which caused the fragrance is zingiberen and zingiberol. Oleoresin ginger contains many components maker that does not taste spicy evaporate. Components in ginger oleoresin consists of gingerol and zingiberen, shagaol,atsiri oil and resin. Best of ginger in a spicy taste that is the main zingerol.
Since Jahe first used as a medicine, or the kitchen, and various spices
other purposes. Ginger may stimulate digestive gland for both raise appetite and digestion. Ginger is used as a cooking ingredient, especially nutritious to increase
appetite, strengthening the stomach, and improve digestion. It is possible
inflame the mucous membrane of stomach and intestine by the oil asiri
issued rimpang ginger.
Oil ginger contains gingerol unique fragrant smell of ginger, nutritious and prevent
treat nausea and vomiting, such as drunk as a vehicle or on women who
pregnant young. It's also a sharp stimulate appetite, strengthen the intestinal muscles, gass help remove the gut and help the heart function. In treatment
traditional Asia, ginger is used to treat influenza, cough, diarrhea diseases and inflammation artritis joints such as bone. Ginger is also used to improve the cleaning body through sweat.
Modern research has proven the benefits of the various scientific ginger, among others:
• Lower blood pressure. This is because ginger stimulates hormone release adrenalin and widen the blood vessel, a consequence of blood flow more quickly and simplify work smoothly and the heart pumping blood.
• Helps digestion, ginger contains the digestive enzyme protease that is and lipase, which respectively become disolve protein and fat.
• Gingerol in ginger are antikoagulan, namely to prevent blood clotting. Be a gagged prevent blood vessel, the main cause of stroke, and seizures heart. Gingerol also alleged to help lower cholesterol level.
• Prevents nausea, ginger because it is able to block serotonin, a chemical compound that is can cause stomach contraction, so that relief feeling nausea. Including nausea,drunk due to travel.
• Create a comfortable side, relieve stomach cramps and to help
removing the wind.
• Ginger also contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals in the body.
Ginger as medicine Practical
Pereda Ginger is a palliative natural pain and can ease pain
rheumatism, headache, and migraine. How,drinking ginger 3 times
day,eat ginger candy, or add ginger when the soto, semur, or rendang.
and also nutritious ginger, among others crushed and with a little water can be used as a compress on the drug and can be headache dipercikan to face people are shivering. While rhizome to be crushed and boiled in water
boil for approximately ½ hour, then water can be drunk as a medicine
to strengthen the digestion of food and drive out of gas in it, treat heart the swell, cough and fever.
To treat rheumatism rheumatism prepare 1 or 2 rhizome ginger. Heat rhizome above the fire or coals and then crushed. Paste in the collision ginger the body of the sick rheumatism. Another way is with pestle with cloves, and placed on the body of rheumatism.
Ginger can also be used to treat wounds as abrasions, stabbed sharp objects, exposed spine, falls, and snakebite. How to go about it the rhizome ginger red to be crushed and added a little salt. Put on the injured body part.ginger by crush can also be used as a liniment for the itch biten insects.
root destroyed, are given with a little salt, then placed on the
injured former poisonous snake bite (just as before the first patient
taken to a doctor). Mixed with radish, ginger can be used to treat eczema. Grated radish are mixed with water ginger. Water can be obtained with ginger rhizome grate ginger,then filters. This herb to be lubricated with the affected skin eczema. Usually in within 2 weeks it has just reduced. To prevent drunken way, it's good to drink ginger before travel. How: smashed fresh ginger along one finger joint. Enter into one glass of hot water, let sufficient honey, and drink. Can also use the third teaspoon ginger powder, or if resistant, eat two raw ginger slice.
The scientific name of ginger Zingiber officinale is not foreign to us, both
as kitchen spices and medicines, so that each area in
Indonesia have its own designation for the ginger. The names for the ginger
include ginger (Aceh), bahing (Batak karo), sipadeh or sipodeh (Sumatera
West), Jahi (Lampung), Jae (Java), Ginger (Sundanese), jhai (Madura), pese (Bugis) lali (Irian)
Herb plants are ginger, upright, can reach a height of 40 - and 100 cm
age can be annual. Stem form of the pseudo-stem composed of leaf blade
with a flat aft end of the taper. Interest consists of bunches of flowers
cone-shaped sheath with a cream-colored.
Root is often called rimpang ginger smell fragrant and spicy taste. Rimpang
ramose ramble, fibrous rough, horizontal sweep. In the yellow
Gynecology Rimpang Jahe
Characteristic due to the ginger atsiri oil and ginger oleoresin. Fragrant aroma
oil of ginger is caused by atsiri, while oleoresinnya the sharpness.
Mnnyak atsiri can be obtained or diisolasi with steam from destilasi ginger rhizoma
dry. Oil of ginger extract liquid form thick verdure until the yellow color,
smell fragrant but do not have the component maker sharpness. Gynecology
atsiri oil in dry ginger, approximately 1 - 3 percent. The main components of oil atsiri ginger which caused the fragrance is zingiberen and zingiberol. Oleoresin ginger contains many components maker that does not taste spicy evaporate. Components in ginger oleoresin consists of gingerol and zingiberen, shagaol,atsiri oil and resin. Best of ginger in a spicy taste that is the main zingerol.
Since Jahe first used as a medicine, or the kitchen, and various spices
other purposes. Ginger may stimulate digestive gland for both raise appetite and digestion. Ginger is used as a cooking ingredient, especially nutritious to increase
appetite, strengthening the stomach, and improve digestion. It is possible
inflame the mucous membrane of stomach and intestine by the oil asiri
issued rimpang ginger.
Oil ginger contains gingerol unique fragrant smell of ginger, nutritious and prevent
treat nausea and vomiting, such as drunk as a vehicle or on women who
pregnant young. It's also a sharp stimulate appetite, strengthen the intestinal muscles, gass help remove the gut and help the heart function. In treatment
traditional Asia, ginger is used to treat influenza, cough, diarrhea diseases and inflammation artritis joints such as bone. Ginger is also used to improve the cleaning body through sweat.
Modern research has proven the benefits of the various scientific ginger, among others:
• Lower blood pressure. This is because ginger stimulates hormone release adrenalin and widen the blood vessel, a consequence of blood flow more quickly and simplify work smoothly and the heart pumping blood.
• Helps digestion, ginger contains the digestive enzyme protease that is and lipase, which respectively become disolve protein and fat.
• Gingerol in ginger are antikoagulan, namely to prevent blood clotting. Be a gagged prevent blood vessel, the main cause of stroke, and seizures heart. Gingerol also alleged to help lower cholesterol level.
• Prevents nausea, ginger because it is able to block serotonin, a chemical compound that is can cause stomach contraction, so that relief feeling nausea. Including nausea,drunk due to travel.
• Create a comfortable side, relieve stomach cramps and to help
removing the wind.
• Ginger also contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals in the body.
Ginger as medicine Practical
Pereda Ginger is a palliative natural pain and can ease pain
rheumatism, headache, and migraine. How,drinking ginger 3 times
day,eat ginger candy, or add ginger when the soto, semur, or rendang.
and also nutritious ginger, among others crushed and with a little water can be used as a compress on the drug and can be headache dipercikan to face people are shivering. While rhizome to be crushed and boiled in water
boil for approximately ½ hour, then water can be drunk as a medicine
to strengthen the digestion of food and drive out of gas in it, treat heart the swell, cough and fever.
To treat rheumatism rheumatism prepare 1 or 2 rhizome ginger. Heat rhizome above the fire or coals and then crushed. Paste in the collision ginger the body of the sick rheumatism. Another way is with pestle with cloves, and placed on the body of rheumatism.
Ginger can also be used to treat wounds as abrasions, stabbed sharp objects, exposed spine, falls, and snakebite. How to go about it the rhizome ginger red to be crushed and added a little salt. Put on the injured body part.ginger by crush can also be used as a liniment for the itch biten insects.
root destroyed, are given with a little salt, then placed on the
injured former poisonous snake bite (just as before the first patient
taken to a doctor). Mixed with radish, ginger can be used to treat eczema. Grated radish are mixed with water ginger. Water can be obtained with ginger rhizome grate ginger,then filters. This herb to be lubricated with the affected skin eczema. Usually in within 2 weeks it has just reduced. To prevent drunken way, it's good to drink ginger before travel. How: smashed fresh ginger along one finger joint. Enter into one glass of hot water, let sufficient honey, and drink. Can also use the third teaspoon ginger powder, or if resistant, eat two raw ginger slice.
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