Getting Sugar Out of Your Diet
- Eat breakfast with protein. Witin 30 minutes of waking, have meal with at least ten grams of protein to stabilize your blood sugar. Scrmbled eggs or tofu, nutbutters, and veggie sausage patties are all good options
- Keep a journal. Note everything you eat to help you become aware of how much sugar you are eating and when craving occur. You'll be less likely to slip into unconscious sugar consumption.
- Stop snacking. Eat three meals a day, on schedule and with protein. You cxan still have small amounts of sugar of all types (even desserts) but only with youer meals. Eating a full meal helps slow sugar delivery.
- Take these supplements. To optimize your body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates, take vitamin B complex (50mg), vitamin C (500mg), and zinc(15mg).
- Eat a potato everynight. Although fairly high on the glycemic index, potatoes can combat mood swings and sugar craving, says DesMaisons. Eating a whole one at night creates an insulin response thet delivers the amino acid tryptophan ( a precursor to serotonin) to the brain.
- Switch to brown foods. sneak high-fiber whole grains into your diet - eat whole wheat instead of white bread, brown rice not white - to help stabilize blood sugar.
- Cut down on sugar. Avoid all refined and sweetened foods such as cereals, candy, packaged cookies, and pre-sweetened beverages. Cut out sweet fruits (bananas, kiwi, apples) and eat less-sweet fruits like berries, instead
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