Various Recipes Original Indonesian Traditional Medicines 3
* Nosebleed
Betel leaf sheet that has been washed clean, spiral and input to the child's nose. For treatment of the body do with the ingredients: 1 / 2 thumbs bidara upas tubers that have been shredded and the net input one cup hot water, then filtered, and after the cold to the given to children added a little honey.
* Bump for bump
Rendam 1 tablespoon beras.hancurkan kencur together and give a little salt. After a smooth, paste to the swollen part.
Can also be ingredients: shredded garlic and herb are given: shredded garlic and honey are given, after the part to be lubricated with a lump.
* prickly heat
Often powdery flour starch.
* ear infections
Wash 3 clean sheets miana leaves or pieces of leaf 7 Sambiloto fresh ginger or pink, and crushed until smooth.crumpled up use clean cloth and drop in ear with filtered water it. Perform twice a day, each of 3 drops.
* skin disease
Two fingers langkuas shredded red and given a little vinegar, rub on morning and afternoon or evening on the body part that is skin disease.
* Head scab or ulcer
Trunk brotowali cut ba slice as many as 5 finger. Boiled with a little water, rub on the head.
Can also be ingredients: brotowali leaves, turmeric and a little grated salt and crushed until smooth.then scrub to the head. May also only with turmeric only.
* toothache
Shredded garlic, added a little salt, and the stopper to the patient's teeth as hollow.
* Bitten by mosquitoes
Remove the bite with the former plant Sambiloto then crumpled up to be lubricated and the bites are used. If there is no sambiloto can be used oil sereh.
* Asthma
Ten shredded garlic cloves, plus 1 cup honey, and then steamed. Give the child as much as 1 teaspoon, twice a day. It can also, 10 cloves garlic, shredded, 1 oz rock sugar, boiled together with 1 cup water.
* Injuries bloody
Wash clean guava leaves or leaf bandotan, then crumple up. paste on wound it. The blood will stop immediately.
* Toxication
Drinking green young coconut water 3 times a day 1 / 4 cup.
* Biduran or kaligata allearghy
scrub body with telon oil, white oil or oil wood wasp. To drink ingredients: 1 temulawak finger cut a slice, given a little brown sugar, and salt with 1 cup boiled water. Filter is cold and when given to 3 times a day 1 / 4 cup.
Betel leaf sheet that has been washed clean, spiral and input to the child's nose. For treatment of the body do with the ingredients: 1 / 2 thumbs bidara upas tubers that have been shredded and the net input one cup hot water, then filtered, and after the cold to the given to children added a little honey.
* Bump for bump
Rendam 1 tablespoon beras.hancurkan kencur together and give a little salt. After a smooth, paste to the swollen part.
Can also be ingredients: shredded garlic and herb are given: shredded garlic and honey are given, after the part to be lubricated with a lump.
* prickly heat
Often powdery flour starch.
* ear infections
Wash 3 clean sheets miana leaves or pieces of leaf 7 Sambiloto fresh ginger or pink, and crushed until smooth.crumpled up use clean cloth and drop in ear with filtered water it. Perform twice a day, each of 3 drops.
* skin disease
Two fingers langkuas shredded red and given a little vinegar, rub on morning and afternoon or evening on the body part that is skin disease.
* Head scab or ulcer
Trunk brotowali cut ba slice as many as 5 finger. Boiled with a little water, rub on the head.
Can also be ingredients: brotowali leaves, turmeric and a little grated salt and crushed until smooth.then scrub to the head. May also only with turmeric only.
* toothache
Shredded garlic, added a little salt, and the stopper to the patient's teeth as hollow.
* Bitten by mosquitoes
Remove the bite with the former plant Sambiloto then crumpled up to be lubricated and the bites are used. If there is no sambiloto can be used oil sereh.
* Asthma
Ten shredded garlic cloves, plus 1 cup honey, and then steamed. Give the child as much as 1 teaspoon, twice a day. It can also, 10 cloves garlic, shredded, 1 oz rock sugar, boiled together with 1 cup water.
* Injuries bloody
Wash clean guava leaves or leaf bandotan, then crumple up. paste on wound it. The blood will stop immediately.
* Toxication
Drinking green young coconut water 3 times a day 1 / 4 cup.
* Biduran or kaligata allearghy
scrub body with telon oil, white oil or oil wood wasp. To drink ingredients: 1 temulawak finger cut a slice, given a little brown sugar, and salt with 1 cup boiled water. Filter is cold and when given to 3 times a day 1 / 4 cup.
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