healt care with red betel (1)
Since people first on the island of Java has been using drugs as red betel. Red betel plant (Piper crocatum) to include in the family Piperaceae. Plant this vine to grow with the form of leaf-like heart andstalk, which criss-cross growth of stem and leaves that appear silvery red and shiny.Gynecology red betel
In red betel leaves are compound fitokimia ie alkoloid, tanin. Saponin and flavonoid. Gynecology other chemicals found in the betel leaf oil atsiri is red, hidroksikavicol, kavi-col, kavibetol, allylprokatekol, pcymene, cineole, caryofelen, kadimen estragol, penena-ter, and fenil propada.
Karvakrol a compound disinfectant or anti-fungi that can be used for medicinal antiseptic smell in the mouth and whiteness. Eugenol works to reduce pain, and tanin can be used to treat stomach ache. While alko-colloid and flavonoid activity have hipoglikemik that can lower the blood glucose level.
Benefits red betel:
With the number of useful chemical substances womb, and betel leaf have the benefits that red is very knowledgeable as medicine. In Java, particularly in Jogyakarta palace red betel plant has been consumed before to cure various kinds of diseases, such as hemorrhoid,whiteness and mouthwash.
While the empirical, red betel believed to cure disease militus diabetes, hepatitis, kidney stones, lower cholesterol, prevent stroke, blood vessel acid, hypertension, liver inflammation, prostat inflammation, eye inflammation, whiteness , ulcer, fatigue, painful joints and to refine the skin .
To treat the disease Diabetes, drink water stew red betel each day will lower blood sugar levels to the normal.
Cancer is a disease that is shut off, can be treated using powder or stew of red betel leaves.
Foreword red in the form of herbal tea can also treat acid fiber, diabetes, ulcer and fatigue.
in health care, better check your health frequently to the doctor or hospital that will ease you in health care
In red betel leaves are compound fitokimia ie alkoloid, tanin. Saponin and flavonoid. Gynecology other chemicals found in the betel leaf oil atsiri is red, hidroksikavicol, kavi-col, kavibetol, allylprokatekol, pcymene, cineole, caryofelen, kadimen estragol, penena-ter, and fenil propada.
Karvakrol a compound disinfectant or anti-fungi that can be used for medicinal antiseptic smell in the mouth and whiteness. Eugenol works to reduce pain, and tanin can be used to treat stomach ache. While alko-colloid and flavonoid activity have hipoglikemik that can lower the blood glucose level.
Benefits red betel:
With the number of useful chemical substances womb, and betel leaf have the benefits that red is very knowledgeable as medicine. In Java, particularly in Jogyakarta palace red betel plant has been consumed before to cure various kinds of diseases, such as hemorrhoid,whiteness and mouthwash.
While the empirical, red betel believed to cure disease militus diabetes, hepatitis, kidney stones, lower cholesterol, prevent stroke, blood vessel acid, hypertension, liver inflammation, prostat inflammation, eye inflammation, whiteness , ulcer, fatigue, painful joints and to refine the skin .
To treat the disease Diabetes, drink water stew red betel each day will lower blood sugar levels to the normal.
Cancer is a disease that is shut off, can be treated using powder or stew of red betel leaves.
Foreword red in the form of herbal tea can also treat acid fiber, diabetes, ulcer and fatigue.
in health care, better check your health frequently to the doctor or hospital that will ease you in health care
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