Ginger to fight fungus and puffed up
Ginger (Alpina galanga SW) is known matrix-rich chemicals. Some chemical substances that are known in the plant, known by the name of the laos, laja, or isem is saponin, tanin, flavonoida, and oil atsiri. In addition, there are the actual active basonin, eugenol, dock, and galangol.
To include in the ginger family Zingiberacceae. Plants that have up to three meters high is divided into two types, white and red. Plant roots do not have this regularly. In the cortex there is a thin brown skin and red at the rod-shaped tubers that. In the white part, if dried to become greenish. This plant has a smell as flavor, taste spicy and sharp, such as bitten tongue.Ginger is usually used for treatment is a type of red ginger (Alpinia purpurata K Schum). Farmakologi in China and the other traditional, red ginger have anti-fungus and anti puffed up. Farmakologi effect is generally obtained from rhizome containing basonin, eugenol, and galangol dock.
Basonin have known effect to stimulate the spirit, eugenol prevent ejaculation premature, anti Candica albicans fungus, anti-convulsive analgetik, anestetik, press and movement control, dock ease tired feeling, anti mutagenik, resistor siklo enzyme-oksigenase and lipoksogenase, while galangol can stimulate the spirit and body heat.
Based on the literature about the various hereditary experience from different regions and countries, red ginger can treat diseases such as stomach trouble (puffed up), Panu (Pitriyasis Versikolor), ringworm, eczema, The speck-The speck skin and mole (sproeten), fever and swelling spleen, after cleaning clothes, ear inflammation, bronchitis, flu,
diarrhea, toothache due to wind cold, and as a tonic.
Interference to treat stomach, ginger red fingers of one thin-sliced thin, boiled the water up to three glasses into two glasses. Drinking a glass of morning and evening before meals.
as medicine for Pitriyasis Versikolor, take rimpang fresh one finger, cut sloping, at the end of the beaten-up to such as brush, and rub on sick. To treat ringworm, Grinding ginger until smooth rimpang four fingers and one garlic. Add one spoon vinegar, heat, and rub in the body affected by scabies.
To treat eczema, scar massage and one finger rimpang, add sufficient of water whiting, and poke the dough to become mushy. Use to mix plaster exposed skin eczema, then bandage. Wrapping the dough once replaced two days.
For drugs with the anti fever spleen enlargement; washing, scar, and crumple up rhizome. Add one teaspoon of water and a salt sufficient, and drink in the morning.
For cleaning after childbirth (childbed), take ginger rhizome young as three fingers, washed, cut into pieces, boiled with sufficient water, and drink. To treat bronchitis, rhizome ginger one finger to be washed clean, and scar. Add half cup water and cook two tablespoon honey, and crumple up until evenly distributed. crumple up and filtered for drinking three times each day.
As for diarrhea, three-quarters of scar rhizome, add half cup water and one spoon honey. crumpled up, filter, and drink two times a day. Meanwhile, for the tonic (aphrodisiac), drinking water rhizome stew (preferably mixed with other medicinal plants)
To include in the ginger family Zingiberacceae. Plants that have up to three meters high is divided into two types, white and red. Plant roots do not have this regularly. In the cortex there is a thin brown skin and red at the rod-shaped tubers that. In the white part, if dried to become greenish. This plant has a smell as flavor, taste spicy and sharp, such as bitten tongue.Ginger is usually used for treatment is a type of red ginger (Alpinia purpurata K Schum). Farmakologi in China and the other traditional, red ginger have anti-fungus and anti puffed up. Farmakologi effect is generally obtained from rhizome containing basonin, eugenol, and galangol dock.
Basonin have known effect to stimulate the spirit, eugenol prevent ejaculation premature, anti Candica albicans fungus, anti-convulsive analgetik, anestetik, press and movement control, dock ease tired feeling, anti mutagenik, resistor siklo enzyme-oksigenase and lipoksogenase, while galangol can stimulate the spirit and body heat.
Based on the literature about the various hereditary experience from different regions and countries, red ginger can treat diseases such as stomach trouble (puffed up), Panu (Pitriyasis Versikolor), ringworm, eczema, The speck-The speck skin and mole (sproeten), fever and swelling spleen, after cleaning clothes, ear inflammation, bronchitis, flu,
diarrhea, toothache due to wind cold, and as a tonic.
Interference to treat stomach, ginger red fingers of one thin-sliced thin, boiled the water up to three glasses into two glasses. Drinking a glass of morning and evening before meals.
as medicine for Pitriyasis Versikolor, take rimpang fresh one finger, cut sloping, at the end of the beaten-up to such as brush, and rub on sick. To treat ringworm, Grinding ginger until smooth rimpang four fingers and one garlic. Add one spoon vinegar, heat, and rub in the body affected by scabies.
To treat eczema, scar massage and one finger rimpang, add sufficient of water whiting, and poke the dough to become mushy. Use to mix plaster exposed skin eczema, then bandage. Wrapping the dough once replaced two days.
For drugs with the anti fever spleen enlargement; washing, scar, and crumple up rhizome. Add one teaspoon of water and a salt sufficient, and drink in the morning.
For cleaning after childbirth (childbed), take ginger rhizome young as three fingers, washed, cut into pieces, boiled with sufficient water, and drink. To treat bronchitis, rhizome ginger one finger to be washed clean, and scar. Add half cup water and cook two tablespoon honey, and crumple up until evenly distributed. crumple up and filtered for drinking three times each day.
As for diarrhea, three-quarters of scar rhizome, add half cup water and one spoon honey. crumpled up, filter, and drink two times a day. Meanwhile, for the tonic (aphrodisiac), drinking water rhizome stew (preferably mixed with other medicinal plants)
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