Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L), Eliminate kidney stones
Dislodge kidney stones by using medicinal plant apparently can not be casual. Some of the results of laboratory research shows, many plants capable of destroying or hone stone compound from the usual form in the kidney. Some of them are presented in this paper.
Healing of the kidney stone disease can be done in many ways. From the traditional to the sophisticated berteknologi, all have chosen in this country. Each course is how the advantages and disadvantages.
When the separate-pisah, it could be up with the healing medicine, surgery, and shooting laser rays or shock waves. Determining how that is selected would depend on the condition of the patient. The case of kidney stone disease experienced patients, it is also more radical.When the kidney stone that still can be arranged so that small to exclude with urine, the drug used diuretik expedite expenditure urine. However, if the stone is up, the medicine also began to stone crusher is needed. If kidney stone is made up of carbonic salt, medicine crusher selected in the kidney can become carbonic acid so that the compound dissolved or destroyed. Sometimes also, in the case that accompanied the injury, healing of the patient requires medication kidney stone in the urine that are anti-bacterial. Injury occurred because the damage to kidney stones have been marked with the blood in the urine.
When the diameter is greater kidney stones again, it could do with splitting stone using a laser ray or ultrasonic shock waves. If the earlier efforts have not work out, the operation of lifting the stone is usually done as a final step that radical. This is not entirely solve the problem because after the operation done, kidney stones may still appear again.
Thanks to the potassium
In addition to the ways medical earlier, kidney stones dispersion can also be done with an alternative way, ie using the traditional medicine mainly consists of the kidney stone crusher plant. Indeed, not all traditional medicines have been tested with the scientific research. If it has been examined, often not done in detail as to the modern medicines. Traditional medicine is based on empirical experience. However, the plant known as kidney stone crusher having indication both before and are both in the dose specified.
Some research has been carried out on the plant property in kidney stone cast out of them through the solubility infus results or other process against the crystal carbonic invitro in petri bowls. Of course I have this weakness, which is not necessarily power the melt same happens when in the human body.
Research is also done using the mouse. In the animal experiments are usually made of stone in the bladder. The making of kidney stones in rats can not be done. Result, some plants can destroy or prevent the formation of stones in the bladder. This is not necessarily applicable to humans. More also tested in the form of bladder stones, not kidney stones.
Some plants that have been examined before, among tempuyung, srigunggu, sambang getih, gempur Watu, and porcelain scoundrelly IV. Among the types of plants tempuyung is the most popular. In fact, this plant has been cultivated in the scale industry as a kidney stone crusher drugs.
Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L), including chronic terna plant that usually grows in places protected from the heat. Green leaves with a little slippery purple, wavy edge, and not serrated uniform. Near the base of the stem, leaves serrate terpusar is roset shape and located on the top of the stem enclasp criss cross. Wavy leaves hug the stem this is a nutritious destroy kidney stones.
In these leaves are potassium content is high enough. The presence of potassium Sonchus arvensis L this is a form of kidney stones make carbonic disordered calcium, potassium will remove the calcium compound to join the carbonic, oksalat, or fiber, which is forming kidney stones. Kidney stone deposition was eventually dissolved and float out with the urine.
To use it as a medicine necessary five pieces of Sonchus arvensis L After washed clean, smoke a leaf in a while. The leaves are eaten out of the raw rice together. In a day we can eat it raw for three times.
Alternatively, 500 mg Sonchus arvensis L dry cooked with water, such as drinking a glass dish tea.water make this drink as a medicine. In a day we can drink as much as three times, lost to kidney stones.
Plant research is conducted by Prof. deceased. Dr. Sarjito from the University of Gajah Mada Yogyakarta. In research that he was soaking the stone in a kidney stew tempuyung on leaf temperature and room temperature at 37'C. Specimen before there is a movement such as rocking in the human body, some are not. After that the stone be pondered and measured calcium in the solution of chemicals. The result, all the kidney stones is reduced weight.
Sarjito also examine the power crushing kidney stones with human conduct inspections in the urine crystals and using the X-ray. The result, known Sonchus arvensis L can destroy kidney stones. Unfortunately, until now unknown compound that destroys kidney stones.
Destroy the stone, muscle relaxation :
Other plants that have been examined a lot of property in kidney stones throw away is srigunggu (Clerodendron serratum Speng).a bush upright plants that high 1 - 3 m was known throughout the island of Java. He's grown in coastal regions up to an altitude of 1700 m above sea level.
Based on research Adjirni, et al. (1996) this plant has the best power rock crusher in the mouse bladder. While Suyati Woro Indiyah (1983) demonstrate the ability Clerodendron serratum Speng me in the gut smooth muscle relaxation. Nature of muscle is the same as that found in the urine channel. Flexible channel chew his muscles will help out a stone path. Condition, the stone is still small. Research and Yun Astuti Adjirni Saroni also prove infus Clerodendron serratum Speng can destroy stone artificial urine, although the effect was not found diuretik on white mice.
Clerodendron serratum Speng which have high potassium content, was also a flavonoid compound. 100 g of ash leaves found 382 mg potassium. May be, the high potassium contents is what makes it able to remove kidney stones.
To make Clerodendron serratum Speng as drugs, needed five leaf pieces. The leaves are boiled with four tumbler live up to volume three 3/4 or drinking glass. water stew is what made medicine. Every time to drink, required 3/4 cup. This is done three times a day.
That is not quite dispel stern in kidney stone is a porcelain leaf ketch. A name that is recognized by the by the Javanese. However, when the name of the plant is actually more than one who have the same property remove kidney stones. Namely, Hemigraphis colorata Hall. Other names that have sambang getih, Strobilanthes crispus BL or Sericocalys crispus Bremek known as porcelain ketch IV, and Ruellia napifera Zall. ketch or porcelain III also dijuluki is often planted as gempur Watu.
Hemigraphis colorata Hall terna is growing wild with stem collapse. Usually planted in the garden edge. This leaves the plant with the potassium content is high. Sericocalys crispus Bremek similar shrub that most plants grow wild. Used the drug leaves the kidney stone that has a high potassium content. In 100 mg of fresh leaves can be obtained 322 mg potassium. While information about Ruellia napifera Zall almost not found that in addition to the plant leaves can be used to treat urine stones.
To remove kidney stones with leaves Hemigraphis use colorata Hall needed 30 sheets. Overall boiled with drinking two glasses of water to boil a few minutes. This stew of water be drunk at once.
When using the leaf Strobilanthes crispus BL necessary or eight pieces with a weight of 25 g. cut a slice leaves and boiled with water to drink three glasses live up to 0.75% share. Once filtered, add the honey enough. Air stew earlier divided into three parts each drink for morning, noon, and night.
Meanwhile, if you want select leaves Ruellia napifera Zall as drugs, there are two ways that can be selected. First, you need 10 pieces of leaf fresh Ruellia napifera Zall. The leaves are processed, such as leaves turn Sericocalys crispus Bremek. Similarly, with the dose. In the second way is required 15 g of fresh leaves. Leaves boiled with two tumbler until boiling. Stew before water is consumed for two times, each a glass.
In the economic crisis,alternatives medicines such as this one is to try. In addition to the cheap, property has also been felt since long although scientific research is very limited.
However the prevention of the emergence of a stone in the kidney is more important. The easiest way is to drink enough water. Thus, the salt forming kidney stones can melt, and precipitation does not occur. If you have any size renik, salt can be brought together with urine. Hopefully
Healing of the kidney stone disease can be done in many ways. From the traditional to the sophisticated berteknologi, all have chosen in this country. Each course is how the advantages and disadvantages.
When the separate-pisah, it could be up with the healing medicine, surgery, and shooting laser rays or shock waves. Determining how that is selected would depend on the condition of the patient. The case of kidney stone disease experienced patients, it is also more radical.When the kidney stone that still can be arranged so that small to exclude with urine, the drug used diuretik expedite expenditure urine. However, if the stone is up, the medicine also began to stone crusher is needed. If kidney stone is made up of carbonic salt, medicine crusher selected in the kidney can become carbonic acid so that the compound dissolved or destroyed. Sometimes also, in the case that accompanied the injury, healing of the patient requires medication kidney stone in the urine that are anti-bacterial. Injury occurred because the damage to kidney stones have been marked with the blood in the urine.
When the diameter is greater kidney stones again, it could do with splitting stone using a laser ray or ultrasonic shock waves. If the earlier efforts have not work out, the operation of lifting the stone is usually done as a final step that radical. This is not entirely solve the problem because after the operation done, kidney stones may still appear again.
Thanks to the potassium
In addition to the ways medical earlier, kidney stones dispersion can also be done with an alternative way, ie using the traditional medicine mainly consists of the kidney stone crusher plant. Indeed, not all traditional medicines have been tested with the scientific research. If it has been examined, often not done in detail as to the modern medicines. Traditional medicine is based on empirical experience. However, the plant known as kidney stone crusher having indication both before and are both in the dose specified.
Some research has been carried out on the plant property in kidney stone cast out of them through the solubility infus results or other process against the crystal carbonic invitro in petri bowls. Of course I have this weakness, which is not necessarily power the melt same happens when in the human body.
Research is also done using the mouse. In the animal experiments are usually made of stone in the bladder. The making of kidney stones in rats can not be done. Result, some plants can destroy or prevent the formation of stones in the bladder. This is not necessarily applicable to humans. More also tested in the form of bladder stones, not kidney stones.
Some plants that have been examined before, among tempuyung, srigunggu, sambang getih, gempur Watu, and porcelain scoundrelly IV. Among the types of plants tempuyung is the most popular. In fact, this plant has been cultivated in the scale industry as a kidney stone crusher drugs.
Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L), including chronic terna plant that usually grows in places protected from the heat. Green leaves with a little slippery purple, wavy edge, and not serrated uniform. Near the base of the stem, leaves serrate terpusar is roset shape and located on the top of the stem enclasp criss cross. Wavy leaves hug the stem this is a nutritious destroy kidney stones.
In these leaves are potassium content is high enough. The presence of potassium Sonchus arvensis L this is a form of kidney stones make carbonic disordered calcium, potassium will remove the calcium compound to join the carbonic, oksalat, or fiber, which is forming kidney stones. Kidney stone deposition was eventually dissolved and float out with the urine.
To use it as a medicine necessary five pieces of Sonchus arvensis L After washed clean, smoke a leaf in a while. The leaves are eaten out of the raw rice together. In a day we can eat it raw for three times.
Alternatively, 500 mg Sonchus arvensis L dry cooked with water, such as drinking a glass dish tea.water make this drink as a medicine. In a day we can drink as much as three times, lost to kidney stones.
Plant research is conducted by Prof. deceased. Dr. Sarjito from the University of Gajah Mada Yogyakarta. In research that he was soaking the stone in a kidney stew tempuyung on leaf temperature and room temperature at 37'C. Specimen before there is a movement such as rocking in the human body, some are not. After that the stone be pondered and measured calcium in the solution of chemicals. The result, all the kidney stones is reduced weight.
Sarjito also examine the power crushing kidney stones with human conduct inspections in the urine crystals and using the X-ray. The result, known Sonchus arvensis L can destroy kidney stones. Unfortunately, until now unknown compound that destroys kidney stones.
Destroy the stone, muscle relaxation :
Other plants that have been examined a lot of property in kidney stones throw away is srigunggu (Clerodendron serratum Speng).a bush upright plants that high 1 - 3 m was known throughout the island of Java. He's grown in coastal regions up to an altitude of 1700 m above sea level.
Based on research Adjirni, et al. (1996) this plant has the best power rock crusher in the mouse bladder. While Suyati Woro Indiyah (1983) demonstrate the ability Clerodendron serratum Speng me in the gut smooth muscle relaxation. Nature of muscle is the same as that found in the urine channel. Flexible channel chew his muscles will help out a stone path. Condition, the stone is still small. Research and Yun Astuti Adjirni Saroni also prove infus Clerodendron serratum Speng can destroy stone artificial urine, although the effect was not found diuretik on white mice.
Clerodendron serratum Speng which have high potassium content, was also a flavonoid compound. 100 g of ash leaves found 382 mg potassium. May be, the high potassium contents is what makes it able to remove kidney stones.
To make Clerodendron serratum Speng as drugs, needed five leaf pieces. The leaves are boiled with four tumbler live up to volume three 3/4 or drinking glass. water stew is what made medicine. Every time to drink, required 3/4 cup. This is done three times a day.
That is not quite dispel stern in kidney stone is a porcelain leaf ketch. A name that is recognized by the by the Javanese. However, when the name of the plant is actually more than one who have the same property remove kidney stones. Namely, Hemigraphis colorata Hall. Other names that have sambang getih, Strobilanthes crispus BL or Sericocalys crispus Bremek known as porcelain ketch IV, and Ruellia napifera Zall. ketch or porcelain III also dijuluki is often planted as gempur Watu.
Hemigraphis colorata Hall terna is growing wild with stem collapse. Usually planted in the garden edge. This leaves the plant with the potassium content is high. Sericocalys crispus Bremek similar shrub that most plants grow wild. Used the drug leaves the kidney stone that has a high potassium content. In 100 mg of fresh leaves can be obtained 322 mg potassium. While information about Ruellia napifera Zall almost not found that in addition to the plant leaves can be used to treat urine stones.
To remove kidney stones with leaves Hemigraphis use colorata Hall needed 30 sheets. Overall boiled with drinking two glasses of water to boil a few minutes. This stew of water be drunk at once.
When using the leaf Strobilanthes crispus BL necessary or eight pieces with a weight of 25 g. cut a slice leaves and boiled with water to drink three glasses live up to 0.75% share. Once filtered, add the honey enough. Air stew earlier divided into three parts each drink for morning, noon, and night.
Meanwhile, if you want select leaves Ruellia napifera Zall as drugs, there are two ways that can be selected. First, you need 10 pieces of leaf fresh Ruellia napifera Zall. The leaves are processed, such as leaves turn Sericocalys crispus Bremek. Similarly, with the dose. In the second way is required 15 g of fresh leaves. Leaves boiled with two tumbler until boiling. Stew before water is consumed for two times, each a glass.
In the economic crisis,alternatives medicines such as this one is to try. In addition to the cheap, property has also been felt since long although scientific research is very limited.
However the prevention of the emergence of a stone in the kidney is more important. The easiest way is to drink enough water. Thus, the salt forming kidney stones can melt, and precipitation does not occur. If you have any size renik, salt can be brought together with urine. Hopefully
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