You need hope
No matter how effective a drug like Ultram in the short term, you cannot afford to become too dependent on Big Pharma. Ignoring the financial cost which soon becomes the proverbial millstone round your neck , the longer you take any drug, the more your body adjusts to it and the less effect it has. That means the temptation to increase the dose or move on to ever stronger medications. Combined, this is the slippery slope to economic and physical ruin. To deal with this, you have to go back to the source of the problem - the pain itself. You cannot allow the pain to dominate your life. You have to take back control. The first step is like a New year Resolution. It's a commitment that you're going to restore your quality of life. You need hope to motivate yourself. So the next time you see your doctor, you will ask for a repeat prescription for the Ultram, but you will also ask for real help in coming to terms with the sickness or disorder causing your pain. Yes, it may cost you money to see a therapist but balance that cost against the drug bill you will have for the rest of your life unless you take action now. If your own doctor is unsympathetic, ask your friends and colleagues to recommend someone who will take the time to give you the skills to manage the pain.
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