Friday, January 9, 2009

Diet and Lifestyle

  1. Eat and drink before going to bed, e.g. toasted rye bread and diluted fruit juice.
  2. When you wake up, have two glasses of water to counter the dehydration.
  3. Then have a glass of fresh juice; carrot, pple, beetroot and ginger cleanse the liver, while orange replenishes vitamin C. fruit juice contains fructose, which speeds metabolism of a alcohol.
  4. Avoid fatty food. the only increase the burden on your poor liver.
  5. Eat a light meal, e.g. porridge (oats are nerve tonic), a banana smoothie (bananas replace potassium and boost serotonin, the 'feel-good' hormone) or scrambled eggs ( provide protein)
  6. Vegetable broth, miso or chicken soup replace lost salt and potassium.
  7. Coffee is vasoconstrictive, meaning it narrows swollen blood vessels in your head. However, it's also a diuretic, so stick to one cup.

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