Coffee and Parkinson's Disease

In general, research points to a strong link between coffee drinking and a reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease, especially in men. It's not clear how caffeine achieves this but it might protect the dopamine cells from toxins. A study found that men who drink at least one cup of coffee a day reduce their risk by half compared with those who drink no coffee. But the evidence isn't as clear for women. Some research indicates that modest amounts of caffeine reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease, but only in postmenopausal women who have never taken post-menopausal estrogens. Conversely, the risk increase considerably in those taking estroges and who drink six or more cups of coffee a day
lem kenall ya main yuk diblogku......
hello!! salam kenal... :)
headernya bagus mbak.. aku buatin dong biar blog saya ada headernya :D
wah baru dengar aq nama kopinya.....
emang ada yah,.....
mantafffff jovvv ;)
wah - wah, sukses kayanya neh..hehehe
okeh jov, sukses selalu yakkk ;)
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